OHIO 1000 WEATHER REPORT for 4-5-08


Tom Sarver


Saturday the weather will be dry so they say but it's going to rain on Thursday night and Friday am. We do and will have some flooding.

Make sure you do a map search or bring one so you can find your way we have some flooding still on 541 and 93. So if your coming from I77 you need to find another way which is not a problem IF you know where your going.
Most locals if you stop and ask know where we are.

If you need to call me for detailed directions please do so at 740-502-6530
Friday or morning of match. We may start the match a little later to allow those who don't get this message time to get here.


S.R. 541 is now open and is no longer flooded at this point. The BIG rain missed us this morning. Jerry Porter came throught that way this morning from I77 to practice and informed me it was open. Hope all of you hear of this who are coming from that direction. I've called a few folks and they are trying to let their friends know too. Spread the word please.

All have a safe trip,
