Oh, the shame and humility

Beaten by my own grandson and my own rifle.
This occurred at Iosco County Sportsman’s Club.
Andy Taber will post the full results.
Some times I just feel like Chief Dan George in “The Outlaw Josie Wales”. “The white man has been sneaking up on us Indians for years”.
Not sure if one could have a bigger honor in life Grandpa he couldn't have done it without you being a positive influence in his life.

Beaten by my own grandson and my own rifle.
This occurred at Iosco County Sportsman’s Club.
Andy Taber will post the full results.
Francis. Just be thankful that your on this side of the dirt so that all your grandkids have the opportunity to beat your ass from time to time.
Sister Marie Ambrose told me I’d pay some day for doing what I did back then in the eighth grade. Sister Marie Ambrose is right again. Saints preserve us.
Whether Sister Marie Ambrose knew she was right at the time she said that matters not. She was right and so shall we pay!