OH Brother they are at it again


I am watching a news piece on CBS this morning where they are talking about what children are exposed to. Caption is WSJ: Bad facebook ads may expose teens to trouble.
The first warning was about a 17 year old who "listed herself" on some dating portion of facebook and could be seen by everyone....
The person being interviewed said that there were worse things happening. HIS first to examples of how terrible this DANGER is was that children 13-17 were exposed to " children were able to see an ad for a GUN holster for a concealed WEAPON" and an ad for "parts for an AK-47".....Then they go right back to talking about the dangers of sexual sites "where teens were asked to come online and be nude webcam models."

Notice they sandwiched the 2 gun issues between 2 sexually oriented warnings about children and facebook

WTH its now a travesty and a horrible danger for kids to see an ad, advertising a legal gun product and compare that to the dangers posed by sexual preditors.
This was not a concept of the news station but by the guy being interviewed. Surprisingly the guy being interviewed had written an article in the Wall Street Journal and these were some of his points in the article.

The whole thing was/is about the dangers of "facebook". I just find it ??????? I dont even have a word for it...
Vern yes its just like when I was a kid, I couldn't wait to get to read the next Outdoor Life or field and Stream. They always advertised the weatherby rifles, and put the Velocity and foot pounds of Energy in there adds. Then there was Jack O'Connor and Elmer Keith all the bad guys that turner me into a bad person. Well let me tell you that stuff helped me stay out of trouble. And back then I could walk down the street with my ShotGun over my shoulder with people waving to me and saying if you get some Rabbits bring me one. If I tried that today on the same streets there would be more 911 calls than they could handle! Yes the good old days, forget it they're gone. Just a different way today of getting adds out there. Just don't advertise Guns.

Joe Salt
Yep I remember those days

And if you were like me you had a whole collection of them. If you got bored on a winters day you would start at the bottom and start reading them all over again.
Hmmm :confused: at least now we know whats wrong with you ;) Just kidding Joe

Its just amazing how they try to slip some anti gun agenda in where ever they can. I thought the Wall Street Journal was pro-gun?
Outdoor Life

Man, I loved reading outdoor life when I was a kid, the hunting issues, the summer was all fishing. Couldn't wait for sept. so they could start hunting. Jack O'Conner was why my first rifle was a .270. Now I think I,ve got 3 24 hour hunting channels. Just aint the same. I can remember when I was a kid cbs ran a special called the guns of autumn it was anti-hunting. Made me see the big networks were not my friend. bunch of liberal loons.
Wait until Obama's new Surgeon General nominee, Vivek Murthy gets appointed. He plans to make gun violence the number one health crisis in the country.. Mmmm wonder what kind of label they'll use? "Warning guns are dangerous to your health", Morons!!!!!!!!
Vinny I believe Swimming Pools account for more Childrens deaths in the US. than guns! And I hope they include Cars, we'll go back to the horse and buggy days Obama would like that, back to the third world country. If that Vivek doesn't look like a Muslim terrorist no one does! Wear does he come up with these jerks. Still say all this stuff and people are all been in place for years, there way ahead of use on that. But people refuse to believe it can happen here.

Joe Salt
Political bias, selective reporting and outright dishonesty are among the reasons I no longer watch the network news. CBS in by no means the worst offender, either--that title goes to NBC, and especially to their surrogate, MSNBC. The only news source I trust anymore is Fox News Channel. They really are "fair and balanced."
Political bias, selective reporting and outright dishonesty are among the reasons I no longer watch the network news. CBS in by no means the worst offender, either--that title goes to NBC, and especially to their surrogate, MSNBC. The only news source I trust anymore is Fox News Channel. They really are "fair and balanced."

I couldn't agree with you more!!
They're masters at manipulation and deception plus it doesn't hurt having the main stream media as well as CNN and MSNBC spreading the propaganda for them.
They are always at it. Its called propaganda''
Keep it up ,wear them down, convince them it's true. Brainwash them , Control them, restrict them, make them work for free, convince them it for the public good.
Convince them This is the right thing to do, While They convince you {they are making millions.
Its called socialism '
They make a big deal about everything from guns to cigarettes,never a mention about how many people die each year due to alcohol consumption, related accidents etc etc .I used to watch a show called the american sportsman with curt gowdy.It was a hunting show with people like JimmyDean hunting moose or peter fonda going for goats etc etc,I relished the thought of watching that show in the 60's and early70's.
Yes those were the days , great shows.
The press has done a complete turn around.
Recently they complained about their 1st amendment rights, I hope they open their eyes as to what they are doing. The only reason they have any rights at all
Is due to the 2nd amendment . The colleges that teach journalism , Like Syracuse Universety's Newhouse School of Comunications are the culprits.
Socialism is the rule of the day, Many of the newscasters graduated there.
Hey Gerry don't forget right here in my hometown of OSWEGO,NY is the #1 Collage against free speech in the Country! And you can look that up. I wish they would all just leave this Terrible Country that they all hate so much. Would sure make thing easier on all of us.

Joe Salt
Francis should you afraid of the Russians?. Many of us are trained to fight them, and WIN.

Yes Joe Oswego State. Daughter graduated from there. Shes not like the rest .