Official Scoring Reticule

The IBS sells reticles for use at IBS matches. I'm not sure who makes them, but they can be purchased from Joan Borden. Go to the IBS website, you should find out what you need.
And you

The IBS sells reticles for use at IBS matches. I'm not sure who makes them, but they can be purchased from Joan Borden. Go to the IBS website, you should find out what you need.

can purchase an official NBRSA reticle thru the NBRSA office. Either way works

I looked mine over and the instructions that come with it and there isn't a company name. Best bet would be, as mentioned, Joan Borden or similar contact person at NBRSA
I believe they are made by the same person for both organizations and I do not think he is particularly interested in selling them to the public. Additionally I believe IBS pays $50 for them and then charges $5 for shipping so there really is no point trying to buy them direct anyhow.