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Does anyone remember the person that took the pics @ Super Shoot, 7-8 years ago.
He would always post a link w/hundreds of pictures. I think he was from out of country.
Does anyone remember the person that took the pics @ Super Shoot, 7-8 years ago.
He would always post a link w/hundreds of pictures. I think he was from out of country.

His name was Kaens. He's been dead for a few years. His daughter kept the site on line for a while.

Then there was Tukano. His son maintained this site most of the time till he got too busy after college graduation.

Thought you were coming to Dublin.
Uncle Jerry, bought some treated lumber to build small shelter addition to my building. Lumber was starting to twist and draw, so I summonds some volenteers (but not Tennesseeans) to get that done. Wish I could have made it.082]His name was Kaens. He's been dead for a few years. His daughter kept the site on line for a while.

Then there was Tukano. His son maintained this site most of the time till he got too busy after college graduation.

Thought you were coming to Dublin.[/QUOTE]
Benchrest Gallery (Kaen's site), I can't get it to come up either. When I click on it, a new window appears and nothing to do w/the benchrest gallery.
Thank you Fred
Benchrest Gallery, evidently has a Virus attached. My Virus program keeps blocking it.
I have on my computer
2004 65 pictures
2005 79
2006 45
2007 152
2008 57
2009 173
2010 164
2011 106

Which ones do you need ??

Don't worry about the price!!! EH! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
The Great Gammuuuuu!!!!

Billy Boy, I would like to hav'm all. Is there someway to send w/o great difficulty and time consumption? EH?
I have on my computer
2004 65 pictures
2005 79
2006 45
2007 152
2008 57
2009 173
2010 164
2011 106

Which ones do you need ??

Don't worry about the price!!! EH! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
"Bill may charge a little more for pics of Francis, he's such a good boy!"
Last time I sent pics and accidentally had a pic with Francis. They charged me
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Hmm Gee Francis your not even going to give Paul credit for 2nd place....:confused: