"off the rack"br rifle



Is there a COMPETITIVE air rifle available from a factory for airgun br? If you were just starting out what would be your choice? I only want to buy one rifle and price is not really a concern. Cheaper is better but not if the rifle is not competitive.
RAW is made state side (TN I think) which solves so many difficulties that occur when dealing with the over the pond units. I am still using my Walther Dominator, which is nothing like the current units with that name. I had a USFT fooled around with it for 2 years, it never could hold a candle to the Walther In .177 or .22. I also have a Annie 2025. .177 not quite as good as the Walther either. ( both discontinued) Styer HP has had good reviews, but again is an over the pond unit. The Walther, Annie, Styer and USFT were conceived for Field Target shoots as such their stocks require modification for our type of Bench Rest, a compromise at best. The Walther , Annie, & Styer have fantastic triggers as befits their Olympic Ten Meter heritage. Usft trigger is not bad but has a long lock time in-comparison. Dealing with the Peoples Repulic of KAlifornia MFG was extremely trying in my personal experience. There are several here that have the RAW units and hopefully will chime in as I do not have personal experience with one. From my reading and various reviews the RAW would be my choice at this time. Cost wise not much different than a custom rimfire. Extra equipment such as a scuba tank or hand pump or going one step futher High pressure compressor (3000-4000 psi) adds to the up front cost of set up. Plus side is, of course, roughly 500 hundred shots for 12 bucks apx. in .177 or 250 in .22. Best wishes on your quest. Chris
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