There seems to be some misinformation going around about the Oehler 35P [Proof] chronograph.
Oehler Research, Inc. is right here in Austin. I called them a couple of minutes ago.
The 35P is STILL IN PRODUCTION and they are only HALF WAY THROUGH THE PRODUCTION RUN as of October 1, 2010.
So, if some of you are still interested in that model you still have the opportunity to acquire one.
The gentleman I spoke to told me that since they were being beaten about the head and shoulders so severely over the availability, they decided to keep making them.
Here's the link: http://www.oehler-research.com/model35.html.
Oehler Research, Inc. is right here in Austin. I called them a couple of minutes ago.
The 35P is STILL IN PRODUCTION and they are only HALF WAY THROUGH THE PRODUCTION RUN as of October 1, 2010.
So, if some of you are still interested in that model you still have the opportunity to acquire one.
The gentleman I spoke to told me that since they were being beaten about the head and shoulders so severely over the availability, they decided to keep making them.
Here's the link: http://www.oehler-research.com/model35.html.