Odd rifle



I seem to come across all the heavy gun (weight.) This is a cool schultz-larsen 308, maker 'freund' stamped on barrel. The seller called it a 'cord of wood' stock. Meaning it is made up just under a cord of wood! (joke). Barrel diameter is about 1.35" and has a custom rest with a ball bearing that the rear of the stock rides on, 2 other rails in the front. I cleaned up the rest with paint and some 'jeweling.' Still working on the elevation wheel and lock. I thought this was some oddball, but was reading through some old american rifleman mags from the late 60s and saw a benchrest advert. that had stock just like mine, heavy-boxy, pretty much a carbon copy. Forgot the shooters name, was a bullet ad. So was this design typical 'back in the day?' I have to do some research and see if i can find anything out about Mr. Freund. (possibly Art Freund, well known benchrest shooter/smith?) Action is really cool, heavy built for a rear lock, mauser on steroids. Chamber is a tight neck, regular 308's wont chamber, I got about 100 pc of match brass with the rifle already trimmed. I will attempt my first casting to see what I am dealing with. Funny thing is, not shot by the last 2 owners, just put in a safe so minimal wear, great barrel etc. It should be a lot of fun


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thank you, was just editing my post after looking at my notes, thank you. I believe so also.
I am a big fan of unertls, have a few and a mitchell. I think I will try an old balvar 6x24 with externals adjustment for fun. will post pics when it is mounted
Interested to see what sort of groups you can squeeze out of the old girl!
Im sure it will, will cast it and check twist and go from there once I get scope
Art Freund, St. Louis gun club, I think he has been there from the start. [/I]
The gunsmith at Magnum Force has almost the same thing.
409 E Front St
Monroe, MI 48161
(734) 457-4242
He shoots at Monroe Rifle Pistol club. We have a Tues. benchrest league. Modified sorta.
.308 Win. It shoots pretty good.
I think, He got it from Phil Sauer. Famous Benchrest Shooter NBRSA Eastern region.
I think, they used to call them Cruiser class rifles......
Thx for the info. Sure, it is no bat action. To compensate for a rear lock it is very heavy/over built. The action opening is just enough to load it and no slop on bolt fit to action. Really no place for the bolt to go. I like the oddballs anyway. Btw twist is 1:11.5. I would guess 168-170 grain is where I will be, bought 100 168ers today . Now to figure out neck and get the scope
old bolts that were used for elevation of front rest and lock were removed and replaced with knobs threaded onto the bolts that I shortened. Scope added, note the external adjustment on the balvar. Got lucky, the scope has a Premier reticle. I guess they must have partnered at some point.

That scope, B&L, seems too long for the receiver mounting setup. Unless there is another set of holes in the barrel I think a short scope would be better.
The bolts and receivers were ground to match each other, hence the nice fit.

Yea, the mount is the way I got it. I removed it and had planned on blocks in the receiver holes and barrel holes, see first pics. I was having alignment issues and put the old, custom mounting block back. It is much better aligned. Not sure if I will get a lot of distortion from heat. It is solid and was secured to receiver and barrel as before. Gonna try it and go from there.