Oct Match at Charlene's Meadow has been scheduled


I will be holding a sporter match on Friday night Oct 9th-Sat Oct 10th. This will be the same format as before. 300 yds under the lights and 200 yds starting at 10AM Sat morning followed by the 100 yd. 24 shooters Max and filled by who lets me know first.

Thought I would post here, so if there are new shooters here is your chance to enjoy a unique match. Let me know here or e-mail me
rwbrensing at hotmail.com

Richard Brensing
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If you are looking for a great/fun place to shoot Charlene's Meadow is it. Lots of covered loading area some of it is air conditioned. Shooting 300 yds under the lights is a really fun match the whole 2 day match is ran super smooth with know delays.

The slots are filling up

There are 6 spots as of this evening that are left.
We will be shooting SP class and one of these times we will shoot some world records at 300 yds hopefully.
The last match Tim McNally and Eddie Collins were only .020 away from doing just that!
All of the reloading area is covered, and most of it is air conditioned and heated.
Charlene cooks up a meal for Friday evening, there is water and Gatorade.
The match is spouse friendly, good bathroom for the ladies. It's a friendly relaxed atmosphere but run professionally
The motel situation is good with a best western in Greensburg.
You won't be disappointed!

Richard Brensing
A few openings left

Here is your chance to shoot 300 yds with most likely the best conditions you will get anywhere.
