Obama's education plan!!!!


Phil Deese

Now we know why D loves Obama!!:eek::eek:

In a February 19, 2008 speech in Wisconsin he stated,

"If you're ready for change, we can assure that every child in America has the best education this country has to offer from the day that child is born to the day that child graduates from college. The problem is not the lack of plans, [or] the lack of good ideas. The problem is a lack of political will, a lack of urgency."

"Political will" is about provoking the will of the people to give the federal government the authority to education America's children. Obama sees himself as the Chief Education Officer of the United States. His Department of Education will manage one large, nationwide, public school district with a unified federal budget. Here's how Obama would position this initiative.

Public education is too important to the nation's prosperity and security to leave in the hands of essentially volunteer school boards. Just as it doesn't make sense in the modern world for each community to have its own postal system, or its own military, likewise it no longer makes sense for each community to struggle to support their own educational enterprise in a world growing more complex and competitive by the day. It's time the government of all the people takes responsibility for educating all the people's children, regardless of how affluent or poor their individual community happens to be. All the children, after all, are our nation's future. We can no longer afford Corridors of Shame anywhere in these United States of America.

Before you dismiss this notion as fanciful, consider likely responses from those most directly involved in public education.

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Teachers' Unions: The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers would gladly become federal employees. It would standardize pensions and benefits, equalize pay scales nationwide, ease teacher transfers from state-to-state, offer greater job security, and allow poorer districts to raise teacher salaries. Plus, it would enhance union influence and grow the power of union officials.

Administrators: Many School Superintendents would welcome becoming federal employees. It would rescue them from the oversight of school boards and make them as locally unaccountable as their town postmaster.

Today, administrators seek to mitigate the risk of lawsuits from angry parents. With federalized schools that risk disappears. Who sues the federal government? Assault on a teacher would be a federal offense. School Security Administration (S.S.A.) personnel would, akin to the T.S.A., enforce school safety. Meanwhile, local police officers could leave school and go fight crime.

Parents: They'll support anything that promises their kids a better education. Most parents couldn't name two of their school board members to save their lives. They won't fight for the independence of their I.S.D. Plus, transferring their children from state-to-state will be less traumatic when every kid in the 4th grade nationwide marches lockstep in academic cadence.

State Education Departments & Bureaucrats: State education employees would welcome federalization the same way that workers at Small Grocery Store, promised job security by the new owners, welcome a buyout from Big Mega Market. State legislators responsible for budgeting state support for education would gladly surrender that chore.

University Education Departments: The academy leans left and won't oppose federal public schools. Professors would salivate at the thought of a boom in consulting opportunities, federal research grants, and nationwide distribution of their curriculum materials.
Text Book Publishers: Big publishers could cut sales staff by dealing with a single buyer. Plus, they won't need to placate the politically correct agenda of individual states. The intelligent design vs. evolution debate will end inside the Beltway. Louisiana, California and Rhode Island will use the same earth science textbooks.

Rank & File Taxpayers: Taxpayers won't care whether their school taxes go to the local I.S.D. or Uncle Sam. Plus, nationalization will promise to reduce school taxes overall. When the feds buy millions of 5th grade math books, the contract is negotiated by a U.S. Department of Education Undersecretary for National Textbook Acquisition. Per-unit cost declines with economy-of-scale purchases. Same for materials and supplies.

Students: These, the real customers, will parrot what their teachers and parents say. They're just kids. Don't expect demonstrations from High Schoolers chanting "Free Our Local School Board."

I.S.D. Board Members: Urban school boards have presided over a continuous train wreck for decades. Most will gladly surrender and let the feds take over. Some suburban and rural school boards might resist, futilely.

Home Schoolers: They'll see nationalization as a threat to their independence, because it is. But they're dedicated and resourceful people. They'll survive, and perhaps even flourish after a favorable court decision. (Maybe)

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There's one powerful point that would make the idea of federalizing schools a seductive lure. Nearly all agree that the I.S.D. system isn't adequately preparing America's children to compete in a global economy. In short, they're failing the nation. But imagine the consequences if your children's school teachers and administrators become accountable to Washington, D.C.


"Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for." Will Rogers
I suspect I better hurry up on the masters degree, because I suspect that the BA is about to get dumbed down...
A "REAL" California teachers letter of the corruption!

La Cosa Nostra and Teachers Part I

When the Mafia extorts money from neighborhood retailers or dock workers, it's called "protection." If the government extorts money it is called a "tax." When a teachers association takes money from its teachers, it is referred to as "dues." As the Mafia had its la cosa nostra that forced entire neighborhoods to cough-up "protection money," your child's teacher most likely is forced to pay "protection money" to his or her various associations.

Like nearly all public educators in California, your EdWonk is forced to pay substantial protection money to THREE different associations. All of which have been (for years) increasing dues without any noticeable increase in services or effectiveness. And like 99.99% of classroom educators that practice in California, your EdWonk has no say regarding the amount of money collected.

This is because in California most teachers work for school systems that are commonly referred to by people as "closed shops." That is to say even though you cannot legally be forced to actually belong to an association, can and are forced to pay an "agency fee" that is equal to the dues that members are forced to pony-up every month. And as has been said before, the dues are substantial.

Three "associations" are supported by your typical California public school teacher. At the top sits The National Education Association. As the most distant (from the classroom teacher) of the three, it is also the least effective. However, its dues are second highest, at over two hundred dollars per year. Just below the N.E.A. are our friends over at The California Education Association. Currently, each California teacher pays these people a whopping $644.00 per year. Finally, the teacher pays tribute money to the Local. Even though the teacher is most influenced by the Local, it is the local that collects the least amount of cash.

If these organizations were true advocates for better working conditions for teachers, they would actually allow their members to have some say as to how much they are expected to actually contribute to these organizations.