Obama wants to tax the oil companies



I have just been listing to Obama's speech with hillery he is promising to punish the oil companies for making money by taxing them more.
Please someone explain to me the difference between the government adding a tax of say 10% on gas at the pump and taxing the oil companies !0% on what they sell. either way its the consumer that is paying for it. Is he & his advisers to stupid to understand that or do they feel the American public is to stupid to figure it out?
koginam........................................... ..............

I think most of them that were around cheering were to stupid to understand!!! Companies don't pay taxes there passed on to the consumer....you and I realize that, but most that are ignorant of the system don't.
A lot of other folks don't realize that if a company makes a 7% profit on investment, that's pretty much okay. And that's what their stockholders want. And if that investment is in the multi-billions of dollars, then that 7% is going to be a considerable number.

Maybe the major owners oughta just quit worrying about making a profit, sell out, close down, and buy an island paradise or three.

How many of y'all have horses?
taxing oil company profits really worked well for jimmy carter
His energy "policy" is a disaster, tax and regulation of all existing sources and a prohibition on all new sources. If I tried to come up with a disastrously wrong policy, I would would be hard pressed to to top his.

We are doomed. This guy is going to win and his policies are disastrous.
Tome.............................................. ....

Jimmy was.............and still is..............a NUT!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
TomD.............................................. ..............

Don't give-up yet!! The votes haven't been counted, and all the "DIRT" hasn't been plowed yet on the muslim!!
Power Industry Regulation


10 years back my wife worked at a power plant (Indiana Michigan power and light) (I&M) They laid off 50% of the work force. My wife was in that 50%
When they announced the layoff they said it was because of de-regulation of the power industry. They said this was all started by Mr.Reagan and we would be feeling the effects far into the future.

Now Electricity and natural gas go up every year, not like it was back in the 70's
Just a little ditty I have experience with :(
Don't give-up yet!! The votes haven't been counted, and all the "DIRT" hasn't been plowed yet on the muslim!!


I won't give up yet! No matter what kind of cheap shot remarks you make like this one, I'm going to try to not give up on you!

As to you sticking up for the poor oil companies and their tax breaks note the following:

The U.S. Energy Information Administration's most recent analysis of the oil industry's performance, released just last month, showed oil industry return on equity of 27 percent—about 10 points higher than that of other manufacturers. And it has been higher throughout this recent era of high world oil prices, just as it was back during the oil shock that hit in 1980.

I wish you and I could get a 27% return on our investment and also get a tax break from the government! (10% higher than the average of most industries!)
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Mr. D................................................. .............

I have found out you and I agree on a great many things...........................Obama isn't one of them!!

I still think he will be bad for the country, and I still believe he has very stong muslim ties, which could help destroy our country. 20 years of Rev. wrong hasn't helped his case, in addition to one of the most liberal voting records in the senate.

Reread post #9 above your last one!

I'll give you the liberal voting record part! He's still not as liberal as Bush! :D
Ok they made 27% Profit that's their job, it still doesn't explain my original question,
let me ask another one, How is raising the tax on the oil companies going to bring down the cost? Or will it cause the cost to go up?
He may think that he's taxing the oil companies, but in reality he's just taxing the lowly worker. The price of oil products will rise - again.
He may think that he's taxing the oil companies, but in reality he's just taxing the lowly worker. The price of oil products will rise - again.

I think that depends on how smartly the legislation is written. You are assuming no one is smart enough to write legislation that will prevent the passing on of the tax! Such laws were written and enforced during WW II when there were shortages. Those who took advantage of a shortage by bleeding their fellow countrymen could wind up in jail.

When gasoline prices are causing families such extreme hardships we don't need Exxon Mobil making a 27% return on their blood money. If I was president :eek: not being bought off by the oil lobby and OPEC, I might ask Mexico, Venezuela and others if they wanted to ship gasoline and diesel to the U.S. at 40% less and let Global Trade work for us for a change! It might get Exxon Mobil's attention when independent dealers started pumping gas at $2.50 a gallon as they do in Mexico! Who says I have to buy from Bush's buddies in the Saud family and OPEC with a gun to my head so he can make 27% plus even more money in the futures market. I'm all for the greedy god of capitalism until he pulls down my pants and bends me over! If I lived in San Diego I get an 150 gal tank and take my diesel pickup across the border and save about $385. every trip plus picking up the exactly same medications for half the price! Can't you tell when we are getting screwed by those good, patriotic, religious conservatives you all love always talking about family values??? Going broke is a family value too! :confused:

If U.S. oil, gas, minerals, water belong to the people of the U.S., requiring it serves our needs first is a socialistic idea worth thinking about! Our national resources belong to us, not Bush's oil fat cat buddies. Check the prices in OPEC and Latin American countries that have oil!!! They don't throw it all on the open market and for the highest profit of private greed and bleed their citizens into a depression! That's the way we roll in the capitalism of the U.S.
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Check the prices in OPEC and Latin American countries that have oil!!! They don't throw it all on the open market and for the highest profit of private greed and bleed their citizens into a depression! That's the way we roll in the capitalism of the U.S.

And just look at what thriving and vibrant economies those countries have. :eek:
What would inspire another country to sell oil to the US for 40% less than the world market price?

Maybe we could give Venezuela's dictator or the head of the Mexican drug cartel that runs Mexico a couple of nice ties and a couple dozen socks?

Well unless

we start consuming less fuel here in our own country, our own dwindling economy is on a road to ruins.
What would inspire another country to sell oil to the US for 40% less than the world market price?

Maybe we could give Venezuela's dictator or the head of the Mexican drug cartel that runs Mexico a couple of nice ties and a couple dozen socks?

Without the massive greed involved Venezuela and Mexico has already attempted to do so, but Bush will have none of it! Wonder why? My local market doesn't like people selling fruit at half price in front of their store either!
A few thousand gallons of fuel oil given to us by Venezuela was meant to embarrass us not to help.
A few thousand gallons of fuel oil given to us by Venezuela was meant to embarrass us not to help.

You make it sound like they were going to send us 10 quarts of 10/30 weight! My understanding is Bush didn't want to oil to come from a Socialist Leader soon to be part of the Axis of Evil? Can I buy $2.70 diesel from Mexico or will I be investigated by Homeland Security?? :D