Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands

me thinks golf balls cause more damage than errant shots by shooters.
in colorado, if you drive by a golf course or driving range, your free choice to drive by, is consent that damage may happen, and there is not recourse for compensation for damage.

mike in co
I know I'm going to get a lot of flak on this one.
First know that I enjoy shooting on BLM land. But I go where I know there are no people (like an old quarry) or a safe backstop.
We live right up against BLM land in rural Oregon, about 26 miles from the largest town. Our nearest neighbor is a 1/2 mile away. We have a two lane road that runs in front of our house, and connects to the BLM land. Our house is down hill from the BLM land that we back up to. (about 200 yards).
We have had 2 bullet holes go through the house in the last 7 years. Even though the our land is posted we have chased off numerous hunters, with them saying "they didn't see the posted sign"
During hunting season, when ever we go out we wear something with blaze orange. It's a matter of life and death. During hunting season I make a small fortune picking up beer cans off the road in front of our property.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy shooting and varmint hunting. But I do it responsibly, and I'm sure 95 % of the other shooter do it as well.
It is the other 5% causing the problems. Would I like to see an exclusion zone round around the BLM land that borders our property? "yes" !!
There a millions of BLM acres that have no residential properties near them, but "some" (5%) are too lazy to hike out that far, off the road to get to them.
It is always a two edged sword, government regulations, Yes I would not like to be shot at during hunting season, but at the same time I would not like to lose the places I can shoot at safely.
So that is my side of the story. It is a quandary for me. I guess all I can do is see how it unfolds, and wear orange during the hunting season.
they use scare tactics and count on the general ignorance of the American public with resepct to facts and truth.
You can argue --successfully -- there is no political organization in the States that doesn't do exactly the same thing. When things get too complicated for a soundbite, or internet forum, any comment on just about anything winds up this way. (Sadly, you can also argue that the American public has no time for anything longer than a soundbite or internet forum post. If it didn't work, it wouldn't be done so much.)

One of the reasons, I suspect, Wilbur banned political posting from BR Central.
You can argue --successfully -- there is no political organization in the States that doesn't do exactly the same thing. When things get too complicated for a soundbite, or internet forum, any comment on just about anything winds up this way. (Sadly, you can also argue that the American public has no time for anything longer than a soundbite or internet forum post. If it didn't work, it wouldn't be done so much.)

One of the reasons, I suspect, Wilbur banned political posting from BR Central.

"one must always choose the lesser of two weevils"--

Russell Crowe, "Master and Commander"
Why should lawmaker's be concerned about putting the shooting sport's out of existance, when it is rapidly being priced out of existance. How could a young person possibly hope to get into competitive shooting today. Look at the price's of components', gas, motels', any, and all equipment. I know more than one person that has given up on shooting, and hunting for the above reasons. Gun law's! why bother?