Oak Ridge April 25th IBS 600 Yards



Need a head count on who is coming to Oak Ridge on the 25th? Its a points match.:D
Would love to.....

.....but seems the Scarlet & Gray game is that day. Seems Oak Ridge always has good participation in their matches. Count me in for at least one trip down this year Greg. I'll just leave straight from work some Fri morn. You guys shooting 2 matches per date?
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Greg, I'm in Knoxville now. Went by the range yesterday going to Melton Hill for some tailwater fishing. New gate looks nice.

Reason I'm here now is I'm keeping my grandson straight while his sister gets her broken back bolted back together again- she broke 2 of the screws they put in 2 months ago.

All that being said, if we get everything settled, I'll be there. Hopefull I can bring a new shooter-new to 600 IBS.
Me and Davis and Rodney are planning to be there.
Jerry, I hope all goes well with that operation.

Larry Isenhour

I am planning on being there Saturday. Doc Stone says he wants to come. I am talking to Junebug and Tim Claunch about making the trip up to
Oak Ridge. I hope to bring all four of us.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Sounds Good.......

Randy, Jerry Sharret is in town, left Jeff Summers a message and a couple of Carolina hotshots are headed over Friday. Looking forward to Saturday. Need Doc Stone to show up.........:D