Well, here we are…………….back after a break in our fun.
We had to cancel a match due to the local PGA Golf Ball Hunt and then we had to cancel another match because of conflicting schedules of our Match Director.
But, on the positive side, Sue and I attended the Oregon State AAFTA Field Target Grand Prix Match and cooked in the “Three Digit” heat. But we did have fun. This was Sues first “BIG” Air Gun Match and she did great once she accepted the fact that the “BIG” Shooters were such nice “Down to Earth” folks like she has been shooting with all along.
Mark showed up with his new truck that’s all rigged out with “Bomb Door” Automatic Running Boards, Matching Canopy and Sliding Bed Platform. He can’t wait to hook up to his new RV Trailer and hit the road. I think his game was off today just thinking about it!
But, we all regrouped today and got back to shooting.
Last month was the last TRRC “TRIAD” match held as a “Rifle Only” Event.
This month, we continued with the “TRIAD” format of three distances, but replaced the 50 foot Rifle distance with “Bench Rest Pistol”. Many of us have missed the “Old Days” at BAR shooting our Target Pistols. Well, by popular demand, we brought the venue back and all 8 shooters had lots of fun.
Some had more than others.
The total number of shots for the match was reduced from 153 to 118! NEW: 49P+49R+20R= 118 shots.
Discussion about the “NEW” course of events brought even more future changes to the program.
NEXT MONTH = WE will have the Pistol Bench Rest Match, followed by the full “TRIAD” program.
The Pistol match will be 35 shots at 50 feet only, and then we will shoot the Rifle match with 35 shots at 50 feet, 35 shots at 25 Yards and 20 shots at 50 Yards. So, Pistol will be 35 Shots, Rifle will be 90 Shots and if you “Shoot the Combo” the total will be 125 Shots! That’s not counting any sighters you take.
Today, we had 8 Pistol shooters signed up (6 PCPs, 1 CO2 and 1 Springer). But, Terrys Springer was wound too tight (or something) and he decided to “Drop Out” during sight-in and skip any further embarrassment. Dave was shooting his proven PRB CZ200 “Piffle” and Don was shooting “Old School” today with his CO2 CROSMAN 2240 with a .177 upper. CROSMAN 1720Ts seemed to pop up everywhere…. Tom, Mark, Sue and JD all showed up with them and we had one Air Arms ALFA Proj.
For Rifle we had reservations for a “Full House” of 13 but ended with 11 shooters (10 PCPs and 1 Springer for competition).
The day started off with Mark Burns and his NEW 1720T punching the holes in the right place with a 370/33X and became the Pistol Match Winner.
Moving over to the Rifles, brought more folks to the firing line (10 PCPs and 1 Springer) to shoot the new “Short Program” at only 25 and 50 Yard distances.
Tim took off and ran to the top spot at 25 yards with a 450/33X. But Terry dominated the 50 yard distance with a 160/04X.
Tim wrapped up the overall total of 600/35X and was the Rifle Match Winner.
Mark and Tim were presented the coveted “Majic Pellet” Award for their accomplishments by JD.
Again, we had no one to post a DNF today. Terry was close, but he called a “DNS”……Did Not Start!!
Harvey had a challenger today, but had other commitments that kept him away, so Michael jumped out and won all levels of the Springer Class…First, Second and Third…”ALL BY HIMSELF”….! I think I’m going to change to that class…..at least I could come in second!
Thanks again for help with the scoring, Terry.
Mark brought donuts today, thanks.
There must have had something in them, they went very quick and there only 2 left over!
Overall, as always, it was another great day of Air Gunning here in the Pacific North West.
Mark Burns (CM 1720T) – 370/33X – Pistol Match Winner
Dave Brown (PRB CZ 200) – 340/24X
Tom Dangelo (CM 1720T) – 320/29X
Tim Wilson (AA ALFA) – 230/17X
JD Dodge (CM 1720T) – 210/18X
Sue Vogel (CM 1720T) – 180/16X
Don Scott (CM 2240) – 30/02X - Pistol CO2 Winner
Terry Cooke – DNS – WOULD HAVE BEEN Pistol Springer Winner
Tim Wilson (RAW BM500LW) - 450/33X – 150/02X = 600/35X - Rifle Match Winner
Terry Cooke (RAW TM1000) – 430/15X – 160/04X = 590/19X
Ron Yatso (RAW BM500) – 400/29X – 150/02X = 550/31X
Dave Brown (AA EV2) – 400/23X – 120/01X = 520/24X
Sue Vogel (AA EV2) – 410/30X – 100/01X = 510/31X
Tom Dangelo (FWB P70) – 360/28X – 120/04X = 480/32X
Mark Burns (RAW TM1000) - 360/28X – 110/04X = 470/32X
Michael Stuart (FWB 300S) - 270/14X – 60/00X = 330/14X - Rifle Springer Winner
JD Dodge (ZM2002) – 250/14x – 50/00x = 300/14x
John Mickel (AA 400S) – 200/07x – 80/01x = 280/07x
Don Scott (CZ 200C) – 70/02x – 30/00x = 100/02x
Around 1PM with everything all put away, John, Don, Terry, Dave & Carole, Sue & I adjourned to the local Appelbees for chow.
Well, here we are…………….back after a break in our fun.
We had to cancel a match due to the local PGA Golf Ball Hunt and then we had to cancel another match because of conflicting schedules of our Match Director.
But, on the positive side, Sue and I attended the Oregon State AAFTA Field Target Grand Prix Match and cooked in the “Three Digit” heat. But we did have fun. This was Sues first “BIG” Air Gun Match and she did great once she accepted the fact that the “BIG” Shooters were such nice “Down to Earth” folks like she has been shooting with all along.
Mark showed up with his new truck that’s all rigged out with “Bomb Door” Automatic Running Boards, Matching Canopy and Sliding Bed Platform. He can’t wait to hook up to his new RV Trailer and hit the road. I think his game was off today just thinking about it!
But, we all regrouped today and got back to shooting.
Last month was the last TRRC “TRIAD” match held as a “Rifle Only” Event.
This month, we continued with the “TRIAD” format of three distances, but replaced the 50 foot Rifle distance with “Bench Rest Pistol”. Many of us have missed the “Old Days” at BAR shooting our Target Pistols. Well, by popular demand, we brought the venue back and all 8 shooters had lots of fun.
Some had more than others.
The total number of shots for the match was reduced from 153 to 118! NEW: 49P+49R+20R= 118 shots.
Discussion about the “NEW” course of events brought even more future changes to the program.
NEXT MONTH = WE will have the Pistol Bench Rest Match, followed by the full “TRIAD” program.
The Pistol match will be 35 shots at 50 feet only, and then we will shoot the Rifle match with 35 shots at 50 feet, 35 shots at 25 Yards and 20 shots at 50 Yards. So, Pistol will be 35 Shots, Rifle will be 90 Shots and if you “Shoot the Combo” the total will be 125 Shots! That’s not counting any sighters you take.
Today, we had 8 Pistol shooters signed up (6 PCPs, 1 CO2 and 1 Springer). But, Terrys Springer was wound too tight (or something) and he decided to “Drop Out” during sight-in and skip any further embarrassment. Dave was shooting his proven PRB CZ200 “Piffle” and Don was shooting “Old School” today with his CO2 CROSMAN 2240 with a .177 upper. CROSMAN 1720Ts seemed to pop up everywhere…. Tom, Mark, Sue and JD all showed up with them and we had one Air Arms ALFA Proj.
For Rifle we had reservations for a “Full House” of 13 but ended with 11 shooters (10 PCPs and 1 Springer for competition).
The day started off with Mark Burns and his NEW 1720T punching the holes in the right place with a 370/33X and became the Pistol Match Winner.
Moving over to the Rifles, brought more folks to the firing line (10 PCPs and 1 Springer) to shoot the new “Short Program” at only 25 and 50 Yard distances.
Tim took off and ran to the top spot at 25 yards with a 450/33X. But Terry dominated the 50 yard distance with a 160/04X.
Tim wrapped up the overall total of 600/35X and was the Rifle Match Winner.
Mark and Tim were presented the coveted “Majic Pellet” Award for their accomplishments by JD.
Again, we had no one to post a DNF today. Terry was close, but he called a “DNS”……Did Not Start!!
Harvey had a challenger today, but had other commitments that kept him away, so Michael jumped out and won all levels of the Springer Class…First, Second and Third…”ALL BY HIMSELF”….! I think I’m going to change to that class…..at least I could come in second!
Thanks again for help with the scoring, Terry.
Mark brought donuts today, thanks.
There must have had something in them, they went very quick and there only 2 left over!
Overall, as always, it was another great day of Air Gunning here in the Pacific North West.
Mark Burns (CM 1720T) – 370/33X – Pistol Match Winner
Dave Brown (PRB CZ 200) – 340/24X
Tom Dangelo (CM 1720T) – 320/29X
Tim Wilson (AA ALFA) – 230/17X
JD Dodge (CM 1720T) – 210/18X
Sue Vogel (CM 1720T) – 180/16X
Don Scott (CM 2240) – 30/02X - Pistol CO2 Winner
Terry Cooke – DNS – WOULD HAVE BEEN Pistol Springer Winner
Tim Wilson (RAW BM500LW) - 450/33X – 150/02X = 600/35X - Rifle Match Winner
Terry Cooke (RAW TM1000) – 430/15X – 160/04X = 590/19X
Ron Yatso (RAW BM500) – 400/29X – 150/02X = 550/31X
Dave Brown (AA EV2) – 400/23X – 120/01X = 520/24X
Sue Vogel (AA EV2) – 410/30X – 100/01X = 510/31X
Tom Dangelo (FWB P70) – 360/28X – 120/04X = 480/32X
Mark Burns (RAW TM1000) - 360/28X – 110/04X = 470/32X
Michael Stuart (FWB 300S) - 270/14X – 60/00X = 330/14X - Rifle Springer Winner
JD Dodge (ZM2002) – 250/14x – 50/00x = 300/14x
John Mickel (AA 400S) – 200/07x – 80/01x = 280/07x
Don Scott (CZ 200C) – 70/02x – 30/00x = 100/02x
Around 1PM with everything all put away, John, Don, Terry, Dave & Carole, Sue & I adjourned to the local Appelbees for chow.