This Saturday, the 8th of September will be the next Monthly TRR TRIAD
Bench Rest-Rifle Match.
Start time remains with Set-Up at 09:00,
Safety Meeting at 09:45 and ..............
The first pellet goes down range at 10:00.
The three distances remain in effect at 50F, 25M and 50Y.
Remember that .177 Caliber is the preferred but, 22 Caliber, ALSO UNDER
20 Foot Pounds, will be allowed if you don't have a .177.
We will accept your honesty.
Remember you may change rifles for different distances as long
As they produce less than 20 foot pounds and you use them for all targets
At each set distance.
The reason for this is for folks that have 10 meter guns to be more
Competitive at 50 yards with a different gun.
Check with your friends and get them to come join in the fun.
$50.00 GAMOs to $5000.00 STEYERs are ALL Welcome!!!!!
See Ya'll there..................-JD
TRIAD RESULTS...........................

NWA-BR-R, TRR TRIAD, 09/08/2012

Today was a repeat from last month and we were given another great day of Airgunning at TRR.
We again had more shooters than our present system provides for, but we got it done!!
The BIGGEST Difference was the winds "SEEMED" to be lighter than normal!? Not by much though!
The TRIAD Match consists of 50 shots at 50 Feet, another 50 shots at 25 Meters and finally yet
another 50 shots at 50 Yards for a grand total of 150 shots and GT Total maximum of 1500/150X.
Ten shooters came out today, also the same as last month, to enjoy the relatively light winds, moderate air
temperature and a bright, but not too sunny sky.
Most of the group consisted of our regular crew with one new shooter, Fred Prince. No, it was not
THE Freddy Prince, back from the grave to haunt us. ;)
Terry Cook joined with Mark Burns (with their TM1000s) and are doing very well to taking over the top positions.
Mark won PCP Class with Terry with the second PCP Spot ONLY 2 points behind!
JDs EV2 still rules as TRR TRIAD Match Winner by winning now two times in a row and he gets to carry the
NWA-BR MAJIC PELLET Award into next year.
And now, what you have all been waiting for...................................................................
As mentioned, JD Dodge was the Match Winner today and took top honors by shooting a 1381/45X.
Mark Burns was the PCP Class Winner shooting a 1367/43X.
Harvey Gertson and Bob Gribble shot 1363/21X and did something no one else has done before.
They shared shooting the TRIAD.
Harvey shot the 50' targets with a springer and Bob shot the 25M and 50Y targets with a PCP.
Last month JD created the "HSP" Hybrid Springer Pneumatic Class, which was a combination of the Springer Class
and the PCP Class and now has further modified THAT Class to "JHSP Class". The "J" meaning "JOINT".
Bob got the "Shoot-Off" credit since he shot 4 targets vs Harvey shooting only 2 targets.
No one changed rifles for any distance at todays match!
John Mickel sat out "AGAIN" and did our scoring for us. Note that he is now training his replacement.
Carole Brown (Daves Bride) came to make sure Dave was doing things right and decided to "Supervise" the scoring.
Harvey thought things were too quiet and joined in to help with the scoring after shooting the first phase of the
match before having Bob shoot the last two distances.
Thanks a million for your scoring assistance to all three of you!!

Match results were:
MW - JD Dodge - 1381/45X
1PCP - Mark Burns - 1367/43X
2PCP -Terry Cooke - 1365/39X
3PCP - Jim Benson - 1335/38X
4PCP - Dave Brown - 1313/25X
5PCP - Don Davis - 1204/14X
6PCP - Fred Prince - 1186/12X
7PCP - John Calhoun - 916/21X (DNF with a Broken Sear)( I told you to quit messing with the Trigger!!)
1JHSP - Bob Gribble - 1363/21X (Won tie shooting 4 targets vs Harvey shooting 2 targets)
2JHSP - Harvey Gertson - 1363/21X

Individual Distance Standings were:

Everyone had a great time and most of us adjourned to the "Red Robin" for lunch.

The next Benchrest Match-Rifle will be Indoors at 50 Feet at CCRP on October 20th.
This will be the first indoor match for the Winter Season. Watch for specifics!!!