Don’t spend all your money on Fireworks………………………….
Save some for Pellets for Saturdays Bench Rest-Pistol AND Action Pistol Match at BAR (Buckley Airgun Range)!!
Yep, July 7th will be the next NWA-BR-P/AP Match.
Same times, as always……..09:00 Setup and First Round Down Range at 10:00.
Directly following the Bench Rest Match will be our “LUCK ONLY” Poker Shoot!
And then we will have the Action Pistol Match. New surprise targets this time!!!
AP Contest will be “Head to Head” and “Top Eliminator” gets………
.a Bucket of Bragging Rights!
The Famous Air Gun Scene R/J Kitchen will provide great chow for us all,
yum, yum.
The standard $15.00 Entry Fee includes the whole shebang and don’t forget the Poker Shoot Winner gets a third of the entry fee back!! ;)
WE need some donated prizes. I’ll speak to the powers and maybe we can have a match with the entry fee being an Air Gun Related item worth @ $15.00 instead of $$. Then we would have Prizes for the next “X” number of months. “X” being the number of participants that competed that day.
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MATCH RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NWA-BR-P/AP BAR 07/07/2012

Good Golly, Miss Molly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Summer Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a Fantastic day for shooting with our friends!
Sunny, Warm, NO precipitation and very light winds!
We had six shooters, 4 PCP (Scoped), 1 PCP (Irons), 1 Single Pump Pneumatic and John's Multi-Pump that
participated in todays events.
After "Set-Up" the Bench Rest Match began with the usual........"Geesheh", "WHAT", "WHY?", and things mentioned
about someones "Mother" during the six targets that were shot.
Dave Gere shot his STEYER LP10 "Offhand" with Iron Sights (Sihlouette Style) at 30 feet instead of 50 feet that
the rest of us were shooting. His scores were not included since he was not shooting Bench Rest.
Everyone else shot the 72 shot course with Ron Price being the Winner with a 684/12X out of a possible 720/72X.
"X" Count was way down for everyone today for some reason. Must have been the Bright Light in the Sky!!
After the Bench Rest Match we moved on to our infamous "POKER SHOOT" with all participating.
Dave Brown beat us all out with "Three Queens". The Winner always gets a "Third" of the entry fee returned!
Next Event was our "Action Pistol", "Head to Head" Elimination.
Once the CO2 and the magazines were loaded we began.
Six Shooters shoot off at the Double Bowling Pin Challenge to identify the ultimate winner and Dave excelled again!
See the Movies.............................................
And the Final Event of the day was the "Running Deer" (a modified GAMO battery operated moving target).
The most complete knock downs in 30 seconds identified the winner as John Calhoun over Ron Price after a
tripple tie breaker. For a little more difficulty, I increased the speed of the deer for them. ;)
I got caught up in the operations I failed to get a movie of that. Next Time!!!!!!!!!!!
R/J Kitchen (Ron and his Sweetie Judy) served chow and cool drinks and we all just "Chilled" for a bit.
Scoring was then done and the results are shown below.
We had a "SUPER" fun action day of Air Gun Pistol shooting..............you should have been there.

Ron Price - 684/12X
JD Dodge - 669/11X
Jim Benson - 647/04X
Dave Brown - 645/07X
John Calhoun - 632/04X

Dave Brown - Q,Q,$,7,2
Jim Benson - 10,10,$,7,6
Ron Price - 5,5,$,Q,6
Dave Gere - A,A,Q,7,6
Jd Dodge - 7,7,K,3,X
John Calhoun - A,Q,10,9,7

Dave Brown

John Calhoun

See Ya'll next month at BAR on the 4th of August.
PS: the "Running Deer" becomes the "Tombstone Terror" with 3 moving Tombstone Targets.
You get a point for knocking down the center tombstone and lose a point for hitting either side tombstone!
Thanks for posting the vids and pics. Looks like you all had a great time! Don't forget to post the video of the Tombstone Terror next month, that sounds like a lot of fun too!
Thanks for posting the vids and pics. Looks like you all had a great time! Don't forget to post the video of the Tombstone Terror next month, that sounds like a lot of fun too!

Will do.......................;)