NRA credit card


Carl Darnell

I don't think this is political but does any NRA members here have a First National Bank of Omaha credit card that gives 5% of purchases to the NRA?
If you do I want to inform you that bank has disaffiliated themselves from the NRA and will no longer give the 5% to the NRA.
Monday morning I will close my credit card with them and seek another that is linked to the NRA.
First National Bank of Omaha

Carl, I don't have one affiliated with the NRA but do have a Visa Card with Scheels that's on that bank. I plan to call Scheels corporate office tomorrow and cancel that card.
John Kruzan
Boycott The NRA Movement

There seems be a gathering of firms severing their ties with (boycotting) the NRA, I believe because of the "Socialist Media". I was reading where one MSNBC person was calling for the elimination of the NRA being able to use the internet for it's online activities. It won't be long before they will be calling for the closing of the Outdoors Channel, etc. It seems, not only do the lefties want to deny us the 2nd Amendment rights, but also the 1st Amendment rights also. Whats next?
This sure isn't the same country I spent 20 years in the military for; because of all these changes, I am not sure I would do it today . Anyway, I am cancelling my Scheels First National Bank Card and will not rent from Enterprise.
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Not to hijack this thread, but......

Did anyone notice that Vermont recently toyed with a substantial prison term for participating in a coyote killing contest? At the last minute, they decided that was too draconian, reducing it to a misdemeanor with loss of hunting privileges for a year.

God I'm glad I got out of that place. It's going over to the dark side faster than I would have ever imagined.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming......
I don't think this is political but does any NRA members here have a First National Bank of Omaha credit card that gives 5% of purchases to the NRA?
If you do I want to inform you that bank has disaffiliated themselves from the NRA and will no longer give the 5% to the NRA.
Monday morning I will close my credit card with them and seek another that is linked to the NRA.

NRA will have set up with another bank before you can seek it.
There seems be a gathering of firms severing their ties with (boycotting) the NRA, I believe because of the "Socialist Media". I was reading where one MSNBC person was calling for the elimination of the NRA being able to use the internet for it's online activities. It won't be long before they will be calling for the closing of the Outdoors Channel, etc. It seems, not only do the lefties want to deny us the 2nd Amendment rights, but also the 1st Amendment rights also. Whats next?
This sure isn't the same country I spent 20 years in the military for; because of all these changes, I am not sure I would do it today . Anyway, I am cancelling my Scheels First National Bank Card and will not rent from Enterprise.

They were talking about asking outfits like Roku to refuse to stream NRA material.

Did anyone notice that Vermont recently toyed with a substantial prison term for participating in a coyote killing contest? At the last minute, they decided that was too draconian, reducing it to a misdemeanor with loss of hunting privileges for a year.

God I'm glad I got out of that place. It's going over to the dark side faster than I would have ever imagined.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming......

I think they buried the last stoic, Vermont Yankee farmer years ago. Not unlike Colorado, which has been Californicated long ago.
I don't think this is political but does any NRA members here have a First National Bank of Omaha credit card that gives 5% of purchases to the NRA?
If you do I want to inform you that bank has disaffiliated themselves from the NRA and will no longer give the 5% to the NRA.
Monday morning I will close my credit card with them and seek another that is linked to the NRA.

The 5% is paid by the merchant who accepts the card, no?
rates vary with type of card / issuing organization and processors in between anywhere from 1% to as high as 7% the bulk of it all sits around 3.5%. Yes big corporate will negotiate rates down, or make a deal with a lender and issue there own. In days gone by Sears, Penneys others just issued there own for use in their companies only, That changed many years ago. There still some private cards around- good for those locations only even though backed by the likes of Visa or Mastercard. With the hack of one of the big 3 reporting agencies might just as well get rid of all of them. recently went to look at a car , met my critria- the company would not take a personal or business check nor cash as a down payment only a credit card- i walked ( last Aug). Note : company also not in business any more as of 1-1-18 .
Thanks for all the replies, they are interesting. I didn't really know who payed the 5% to NRA but I closed the card and am using another card now. I guess NRA will send out a mailer with the new card that works with them.
Most merchants with good history have their rates negotiated down to something like 2%, mines been there for years.

The rate charged to the merchant for accepting the card and the cashback aren't the same thing. If I charge $100 worth of gasoline to my CC, the CC company keeps $2 and gives $98 to the merchant. I have a card that gives me an additional 5% cash back on gasoline purchases so if I pay with that then the merchant is on the hook for the extra 5% as I understand it.
Thanks for all the replies, they are interesting. I didn't really know who payed the 5% to NRA but I closed the card and am using another card now. I guess NRA will send out a mailer with the new card that works with them.

The merchant who accepts the card as payment for goods or services is the one who pays the 5%. Basically, the NRA is getting what many people call the reward points.