Now im ready to glass bed


New member
What is the best glass bedding to use bedding in the new barrel
also what is the best release agent? In the past i've used kiwi shoe polish, it let it release even being wiped off
What is the best glass bedding to use bedding in the new barrel
also what is the best release agent? In the past i've used kiwi shoe polish, it let it release even being wiped off

Bedding in a new barrel??? You sure you have the right forum?
yes well the fact is, HE AINT GLASS BEDDING ANYTHING.
GLASS is short for fibre glass...a cloth used in building. thinks like boats, cars fishing rods, but NOT FOR BEDDING ACTIONS in stocks.
various 2 part compounds at typically mixed and used to bed actions....but while i will not say it is never done, i have not seen a glass bedded action.
from a guy that built remote controlled submersibles out of fibre glass.....
yes well the fact is, HE AINT GLASS BEDDING ANYTHING.
GLASS is short for fibre glass...a cloth used in building. thinks like boats, cars fishing rods, but NOT FOR BEDDING ACTIONS in stocks.
various 2 part compounds at typically mixed and used to bed actions....but while i will not say it is never done, i have not seen a glass bedded action.
from a guy that built remote controlled submersibles out of fibre glass.....

That's what they used to call it a while ago. (acraglas) Had fiberglass cloth shredded and mixed in the compounds.

Yes used this a lot in past. Runs everywhere, use clay to build dams. New epoxy a LOT better.

Also old way was to bed 1-2 inch forward of action. And in old days have seen WHOLE barrel bedded but bedded to Float.
This made sure wood didn't warp and stiffened thin foreends so they did not press on barrels.

So I am a lot happier now with pillars, marine epoxy etc.