Nothwest Regional



The NW Region stretches from Washington State to Nebraska and the Dakotas - but, only Wa, Oregon and Montana have clubs sanctioned by USRA, IR50/50. According to Larry Balestra, match director for the Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club, we will have shooters from all those clubs plus "Cadillac Jack" from Nevada!! The two day event will be held on 19 and 20 July with 3 gun and three unlimited targets each day (yards Sat - meters - Sunday). The six targets per day helps justify the long drive for our out of state shooters. Larry says there is a "ton of wood" to be earned -- but, will the local talent issue any "wood export permits" ---- time will tell!!!!
Gonna be tough...

...getting any wood with you and Larry present. Cadillac Jack, were he a bit more "treacherous", might win a few boards here and there.

Good luck to all, and have a good time!
We had a good turnout with 28 shooters inclding 3 from Oregon, 5 from Montana and one (Fred Leeds) from Nevada. The local talent was outshot by the out-of-staters even tho we supposedly knew the range and its quirks -- and it went thru its entire repoirtre of quirks! There were more than a few "exclamations" uttered during every event, some more colorful than others! Shooting thru winds from 2 directions at the same time wasn't too bad ,but, any let-ups or subtle switches were ruinous to scores. Our senior shooter,Virgil Corn, took first in 3 gun yards with a 741-32x, from there on it was a Fred Leeds who dominated the Unlimiteds winning at both yards(748-47x) and meters(745-43x). The Oregonians got their licks in to as Dennis DiFeo won the 3 gun meters event(743-43x) and Jerry Snider also took a lot of wood home. One of the nice things tho, was that 18 differant shooters got at least one plaque!! Larry Balestra ran a great match, the burgers and dogs were good and the comraderie was outstanding. All scores will appear someday in "match results" - just wanted to provide some highlights. Bob
Fun Fun Fun

Larry put on a great match and it was a lot of fun. I was particularly impressed by the range design, 2 ditches, 2 berms and overhead saftey baffels every few yards made for some very strange goings on. Kinda like one of those Wack a Mole games, shoot now, no not now , now, no not now, I was afraid to pull the trigger! Hope we do it again.

Great shoot in Washington

Had a great time at the northwest regionals.Met new shooters from Montana and of course was glad to see the crew from Washington. The conditions were a little tricky but not impossible. Hey Wilbur you'll be surprised to find out that after a year and a half I finally got a little redemption with both Bob and Larry, by winning 7 first place and 7 2nd and 3rd bits of lumber. Larry thanks for putting on such a well run match; also thanks to your wife for the fine lunches. Hope to be back next. Fred

P.S. Wilbur, We'd love to see you out on the west coast sometime, so why not try and come next year?