Northwest 1000 yard championship match

nwsa in affiliation with the original pennsylvania 1000 yard benchrest club, with be holding our championship match august 7, 8 and 9th. the match will be at the deek creek range outside of missoula, montana.

we shoot under williamsport rules, and also have an 11lb class(we make them shoot 10 shots too). we will conduct a light gun(17#)match saturday morning the 8th, and follow it with a heavy match that day, followed yet again with those 11 pounders. sunday we will hold heavys first and light guns second. each gun class overall winner, yes even the 11 pounders, will recieve a 12-42x56 br nightforce scope. the 2 gun overall winner will recieve a bat action, and barrel certificate. we will also be raffleing off a 4th 12-42x56 br nightforce, and i have piles of tickets to sell yet. there are only 125 printed. also to be raffled off is a lawton br action, only 50 tickets printed. ton of other prizes as well, if you enter a gun, you will not leave empty handed. we give door prizes, as well as a barrel for every group and score winner in all classes.

pat will have more on our website in the coming days, come shoot this great range. we had 8(i think it was 8) 100's shot this year, and 5 agg world records are pending.
hope to see you there,
tom mousel
I wish I lived closer to you. The World Open was fantastic, and it sounds like you all run a nice match as well.

Good luck to all competitors!
NF Raffle Ticket


How much are the tickets and who do I contact about getting one?
