North West Airgunning Pistol/Rifle Benchrest Results



The morning started off cool and misty but turned to mostly cloudy and @78 degrees before we were done for the day. Winds were considered “Light” by most shooters.
Last month we continued with the “TRIAD” format of three distances, but replaced the 50 foot Rifle distance with “Bench Rest Pistol”. After the match, many of the Shooters thought we should “Try” a “Pistol Match” at 50 Feet, Followed by the Full “TRIAD” Rifle Match at 50 Feet, 25 Yards and 50 Yards.
SSoooooooo, that is what we did today.
We had also discussed the original target number of shots (49) to be reduced to 35 or possibly even lower. Today the total number of shots for the Pistol Match was reduced to 28 and 76 for Rifle Match. Combination total of 104.
Later discussion identified that everyone felt the number of shots had dropped to a “Too Few” point.
So next month the Pistol Match will be 35 Shots and the Rifle Match will be 90 Shots (35+35+20). Combination total of 125.
We have also tried different color target backgrounds to identify which color was preferred and which presented the best contrast. In the past, we have tried Sand, Yellow, White, Blue and Green Card Stock with Black Bulls. The outcome of that experiment yielded “It Doesn’t Matter”!! So, for future matches, we will use White on all targets for Sight-In and One Color for the Pistol Score Card and a Different Color for the Rifle Score Card at each Months Match (to avoid possible 50 foot target confusion).
All will continue to be on card stock.
Next month will be our last experiment for the TRRC 2015 Outdoor Match Season.
But, who knows what 2016 will bring!!
Today, we had 6 Pistol shooters present with 5 using PCPs and 1 using a Single Pump Pneumatic.
The CROSMAN 1720Ts were the most represented today again with Tom, Sue and JD with them. Dave had his proven PRBCZ200 “Piffle”, Harvey used his IZH-46M and Tim used his Air Arms ALFA Proj.
The Pistol Match started off with JD as the Winner shooting a 220/21X and beating Tom’s 220/19X.
Moving over to the Rifles brought more folks to the firing line than we had last month (9 PCPs and 1 Springer). For Rifle we had initial reservations for a “Full House” of 13 but ended with only 10 shooters (9 PCPs and 1 Springer) for competition after last minute cancellations.
Tim took off and ran to the top spot at 50 feet and shot a “Perfect Score” of 280/28X. Tom bested the 25 yard distance with a 260/18X and Ron finished out the “TRIAD” with a 150/04X at the 50 yard distance and wrapped up the overall total of 670/46X and was declared the Rifle Match Winner.
Ron was presented the coveted “Majic Pellet” Award for his accomplishment by JD, the Match Director.
We had 2 to post DNFs today. Ted pulled on the “Cocking Handle” and “It kept on coming”!!
I think those Power Bars have created a HULK amongst us!
John grabbed a handful of pellets off the ground and then later claimed that is what caused the “Shotgun Pattern” appearance on his 50 yard target. BTW he got a 10/0X.
We tried to tell him about taking his dedicated “Re-Cycling” attitude too far……..
Harvey had a challenger last month, buthe didn’t show today. Harvey returned to the firing line to regain his title of “Mr. Springer”, but the challenger had to cancel out at the last minute for “Family” reasons (or was it due to fear that the Master had returned)??
As Always, Thanks again for help with the scoring, Terry.
Tim brought the goodies today, thanks to you, as well.
Carrie took pictures, hugs to you, my dear.
Overall, it was another great day of Air Gunning here in the Pacific North West.
JD Dodge (CM 1720T) – 220/21X – Pistol Match Winner
Tom Dangelo (CM 1720T) – 220/19X
Dave Brown (PRB CZ 200) – 190/15X
Sue Vogel (CM 1720T) – 180/16X
Tim Wilson (AA ALFA) – 130/12X
Harvey Gertson (IZH 46M) – 50/03X
Ron Yatso (RAW BM500) – 270/27X – 250/15X – 150/04X = 670/46X – Rifle Match Winner
Tim Wilson (AA HFT500) – 280/28X – 240/13X – 120/00X = 640/41X
Terry Cooke (RAW TM1000) – 270/25X – 250/14X – 110/02X = 630/41X
Tom Dangelo (AA HFT500) – 260/23X – 260/18X – 80/03X = 600/44X
Dave Brown (AA EV2) – 250/22X – 170/07X – 140/03X = 560/32X
JD Dodge (AA EV2) – 200/20X – 220/15X – 110/01X = 530/36X
Sue Vogel (AA EV2) – 210/21X – 160/07X – 60/02X = 430/30X
Harvey Gertson (FWB 300S) – 200/15x – 130/10x – 50/02x =380/27x – Springer Winner
John Mickel (AA 400S) – 130/13x – 110/07x – 10/00x = 250/20x
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