North Berwick Maine, Indoor Match - March 16, 2019


New member
North Berwick Rod & Gun Club - USARB Report
Indoor March 16, 2019

Congrats to Paul B and Mark M for some super scores!!!
And thanks to Howard and the North Berwick crew for a great match and super lunch (and St Patrick brownies!)

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Relay I
Paul Bendix U Thomas 249 15x 250 21x 250 18x 749 54x
Pete Waterman HV Anschutz 239 2x 230 2x 233 2x 702 6x
Mark Marini HV Thomas 250 19x 250 16x 249 17x 749 52x
Chris Sloan LV Thomas 238 2x 248 7x 247 8x 733 17x
Bill Day SP FWB300s 240 4x 243 6x 240 4x 723 14x
Robert LV Air Arms 241 6x 237 3x 238 3x 716 12x
Chas DeCapua HV TM1000 250 13x 250 13x 247 10x 747 36x
Gary Barton HV Gauntlet 171 0x 183 1x 200 1x 554 2x

Relay II

Paul Bendix U Thomas 250 20x 250 17x 250 18x 750 55x
Pete Waterman HV Anschutz 245 11x 233 2x 234 4x 712 17x
Mark Marini HV Thomas 250 22x 250 17x 250 21x 750 60x
Chris Sloan O Sumo 233 3x 245 6x 250 11x 728 20x
Bill Day SP FWB300s 243 6x 239 5x 242 7x 723 18x
Robert Fisher HV TM1000 237 1x 248 8x 244 7x 729 16x
Chas DeCapua HV TM1000 249 17x 250 12x 249 10x 748 39x
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