Nor Cal 6/20 !R50/50 results


We held our 2nd IR50/50 match of the year this past weekend, and although attendence was down do to several competing venues,
we still had 7 hardy souls come battle the winds of the Ione Triangle.
We shoot two 3 card matches, the first being a SOTY match.
Francis Lee started out hot on Tgt 1 with a very nice 249-16x, followed by Greg Wilson with a 248-8x, and Dan Lutke with a 246-9x.
Tgt 2 was won by Dan with the only 250 of the match + 12 x's, followed by Greg with a 248-13x, Francis with 246-13x.
Tgt 3 was won by Francis with a 248-15x, Greg 2nd with 247-10x, Dan 3rd with 246-9x.
The 3-Tgt SOTY Agg was very close with the top 3 all tied with 743. X count determined that Francis won with 43 x's easily outpacing my 31 with Dan 3rd at 30.

The second match was a 3 card Club/List match and as evidenced by the scores our usual winds got trickier as the morning wore on.
Tgt 1 was taken by Francis with a 247-9x, just edging my 247-8x with Henry Pinkney 3rd at 246-5x.
Tgt 2 was won by Greg with a 246-9x, new (to us) shooter Pierre Bigras shot a nice 245 11x, with Ron Chisick 3rd with a 244-8x.
Conditions continued to get more difficult as we started the last target as the wind really started switching with a lot of velocity changes.
Tgt 3 was won by Greg with a nice 248-10x, Francis 2nd with a 245-7x, Ron 3rd with a 243-7x.
The 3-TGT CLUB/LIST Agg was won by Greg Wilson with the only score in the 740's a 741-27x which was also high x-count. Francis was 2nd @ 736-23x, Henry 3rd @ 729-22x.

The overall 6 card Agg aka the Money Match was won by Greg with a total score of 1484-58x, Francis 2nd @ 1479-66x (high x-count) Dan 3rd @ 1469 52x.

Dan and I would like to thank all the participants for their help and patronage, and hope to see more of you next month.
Full results attached.


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