Nightforce- - Mike Cameron ?

The scope that Ernie J has for sale--- is that like the one you have Big Mike? Don`t guess that I have seen that one![Ernie your spam catcher caught my reply]
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It is a compact like I have the only difference is his is a 24mm objective and mine is a 32mm, mine is a little heavier also.
Hey Slickster
Did you shoot the PSL match last weekend?

No, I let David have my Killer Eley 6207 and I believe it worked out just fine! My wife has MS and it is difficult to be gone more than 24 hours and 150,000 baby chicks kept me close by.
It is a compact like I have the only difference is his is a 24mm objective and mine is a 32mm, mine is a little heavier also.
Ernie said his parralex is adj for 50 yards, I assume 1/8 clicks but the NXS scopes prior to 2011 had only 1/4 is this the case with yours or his? 24 mm obj is small yours sounds better @ 32mm, I don`t shoot a sporter but own a Falcon /Shilen sporter; the First one Richard built,so I have a honest interest . ARA has a higher (8.5)weight which will accomodate a larger scope, the Falcon though is pretty heavy and bulky so we took a couple oz from the tang area and it sits a lot better in the baby stock.
Yeah I would say that is some pretty good ammo you gave away.Sorry to hear that about your wife.
Yeah I would say that is some pretty good ammo you gave away.Sorry to hear that about your wife.

I sold it all to David. Anything to help my fellow shooting buddies get to the top,maybe we can float another one up to Livonia just like last year. Do you have a 52D yet? Surely he won`t bury it,I much rather you get it;that would be a travesty to bury a piece of history! Have you heard about Kong?
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I doubt anyone from California will get Bill's 52D.If he says he is going to bury it he will probably bury it if that sort of thing is even allowed?
I have not heard about Kong.
I did however notice someone shot a 2500.Was he using your ammo? Who built his rifle?
It `s who leads the last lap in Georgia that matters! You not a spindoctor too; are you? Kong is in your Camp. X-III
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