Next step for Anschutz



I now have 1000-2000 rounds through my 1913. The best ammo is R50. With R50 I scored (on the "Rimfire Benchrest, Official Target" 232,233,235,230,232,232. With my Winchester 52D, the best ammo is Center X. Scores were, 235,238,244. When I shoot, everything is the same except the rifle. I use the same scope on both rifles, a March 40mm. Wind was always intermittent, 0-5mph. I have tried Tenex and Midas+ ammo. Both of these are close to R50 and Center X. The 52D is now shooting better than the Anschutz 1913.

What is my next step? I tend to think that the Annie has more potential. A tuner costs much less than a different barrel. I think I should try a tuner first. Killough has two types of tuner, Harrell and Ezell PDT. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of each?
A tuner will only help with vertical dispersion. So analyze your targets with that in mind. Are you using some wind flags? If not that is another area to learn. Holding dead center will likely as not get you into the 240+ area. one has to use the wind drift a bit. The saying "the wind is your friend" is quite true- dissapates that nasty mirage which will cost a lot of points. Your scores are quite consistent therefore technique and Items mentioned might do more good than a fancy do-dad on the end of the barrel. Are your rifles properly bedded? neither of those units came that way from the MFG. My own units a cmp 40x rebarrelled and a 52d ( original) are very consistent at 247-249, idiot operator keeps missing subtle wind shifts and occasionally screws up with the help of mother nature's shimmering ( mirage). I do not hold center all the time actually seldom and I just might under extreme conditions adjust the scope a click or 2 from where I started. Chasing the center by adjusting the scope will get you nowhere. Some day I might even learn how to play this game.

Bye the way the 40x has a doodad on the end of the barrel, the 52 does not- for what it's worth.
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I have both a Harrell and a Ezell. My opinion starting with the Harrell. It probably has more adjustment range and has the ability to add weight if needed. The disadvantages in my opinion are the groups hardly change even when changed several revolutions. Harder to tell when it's in tune. Both without any extra weight are close in weight. The Ezell disadvantage is there is no provision for adding extra weight. The pro is as you get close to having it in tune there is no doubt. Groups will change drastically as you near the tuned spot. Others may have different experiences and suggestions.
Head and tail wind

A tuner will only help with vertical dispersion. So analyze your targets with that in mind. Are you using some wind flags? If not that is another area to learn. Holding dead center will likely as not get you into the 240+ area. one has to use the wind drift a bit. The saying "the wind is your friend" is quite true- dissapates that nasty mirage which will cost a lot of points. Your scores are quite consistent therefore technique and Items mentioned might do more good than a fancy do-dad on the end of the barrel. Are your rifles properly bedded? neither of those units came that way from the MFG. My own units a cmp 40x rebarrelled and a 52d ( original) are very consistent at 247-249, idiot operator keeps missing subtle wind shifts and occasionally screws up with the help of mother nature's shimmering ( mirage). I do not hold center all the time actually seldom and I just might under extreme conditions adjust the scope a click or 2 from where I started. Chasing the center by adjusting the scope will get you nowhere. Some day I might even learn how to play this game.

Bye the way the 40x has a doodad on the end of the barrel, the 52 does not- for what it's worth.

Do you hold high and low for head and tail wind?