Newbie Wants to Know How to Start


Chasin' the Sunset
I don't have a BR rifle, and I'm toying with the idea of trying to compete with the BR shooters, and wonder if y'all would share some advise.

1. Should I expect to have to buy a new rifle, or can I expect to be competitive with a used rifle?

2. How much should I expect to have to pay for the type rifle suggested in # 1 above?

3. Is it reasonable to think a used rifle can be had with a barrel that's still competitive?

4. If a used rifle is a reasonable alternative, where's the best place for locating one?

Have you checked out your local ranges to see if they have factory classes? That might be a cheaper way to see if you like this sport. If not, maybe someone will let you shoot their rifle in a match?

1. Should I expect to have to buy a new rifle, or can I expect to be competitive with a used rifle?
There are lots of good used rifles out there. How do you find a good used one? Check its history. If it is a proven winner - then go for it. If you don't already know a gunsmith - find one in your area and see if they will look at the rifle before you buy it.

2. How much should I expect to have to pay for the type rifle suggested in # 1 above?
Probably around $1500-2000 or so. This varies - and in about a month will be the best time to look. This only includes the rifle - it does not include the rest, dies, reloading components, etc. Probably save up another $1000 for that. If you can get the resizing die and brass the previous owner had - that will save you some time and money.

3. Is it reasonable to think a used rifle can be had with a barrel that's still competitive?
All depends. Lots of variables here. I bought a great used rifle last year (30BR) - and financially, I had no choice - the barrel had to last me this season. It did and is still shooting great. I now have a new barrel on order - and will have this one as a spare. That is a good feeling to know that my back up barrel shoots good.

4. If a used rifle is a reasonable alternative, where's the best place for locating one?
Check with your gunsmith or go to the section on the homepage of Benchrest Central and check out the section.

After doing this for a year - here is my number 1 suggestion with money. Don't try and cut corners with quality - you'll end up spending more money in the end. If you don't have the funds yet - either borrow or make it yourself until you do have the funds to buy quality products.

Hope this helps.
Where are you located? Do you want to shoot group or score?
I would suggest Shooters Corner (advertises here) for a used rifle. Don't worry too much about the barrel. You will wear it out learning to shoot it and propably another one or two. As important as anything is getting or making a good set of wind flags and learning to shoot over them. You could start that practice right now, assuming you have a rifle of any kind, like a 223. Don't expect to be competetive right off the bat when you get the new rifle. Takes a few years to learn all the little tricks. If at all possible go to a match or find some shooters that will let you try their rifle. That way you can hopefully figure out what configuration of action you like. Like, do you want left ejection or right ejection. Are you right handed or left handed. Personally for me Jerry Stiller's drop port is just about perfect. No ejector, cases just fall out a hole in the bottom of the stock right in front of the trigger gard. No chasing cases. For a good summery of Benchrest shooting get Mike Ratigan's book. About everything you need to know is in it. Have fun along the way.

What Donald said +.02

Great advise.
To be ahead of the game, a little, buy a used Viper Drop Port, as far as I am concerned a great way to go. Sometimes it helps to shoot fast! When you first start out you will not be very competitive (at least I wasn't) but you will get better with practice. Then practice some more.
Get a good front rest and rear bag as money allows > always shoot over flags.
Be careful, accuracy is adictive! And Good Luck.

Group or score does matter in the choice of what to buy, if you want to shoot group get a 10.5 lb 6 ppc if score is your game of choice get a 13.5 lb 30br rifle. As a general rule you consider the barrel to be gone on a used gun unless you know the owner and he is trustworthy and tells you otherwise.
Go to a local match, there are usually guns for sale there and you can try them out. Steve
another new shooter

I just started last Nov and have tried to pull something together for some of my friends that have some basic questions .... I wrote up my thoughts and they are here

Read at your own risk and my thought are just that ... my thoughts ... this seems to be working for me ..... but I realize that it won't work for everyone else.......

GA. Group or score doesn't matter -- I just want to be competitive.
Usually, there is a difference between a *rifle* being competitive, and a *newcomer* (to benchrest) being competitive.

Best advice I saw was to go to a match. In Georgia, there are matches at Riverbend, and Dublin. Also good advice for buying a used rifle is to buy it from someone selling one at a match (range). Have them shoot it for you if there is any question about your ability to read the wind.

People forget that a 10 mph crosswind will move a bullet about one inch at 100 yards. That's equal to a full reverse of a 5 mph wind, BTW. That can be hard to "feel." So, a 1 inch group by someone not familiar with wind-doping might mean a very good rifle. Might not, too, which is why I made the first comment.

Good luck to you,

Group or score does matter in the choice of what to buy, if you want to shoot group get a 10.5 lb 6 ppc if score is your game of choice get a 13.5 lb 30br rifle. As a general rule you consider the barrel to be gone on a used gun unless you know the owner and he is trustworthy and tells you otherwise.
Go to a local match, there are usually guns for sale there and you can try them out. Steve

Thanks for the helpful advise. How much should I expect to pay for a replacement barrel?

PS Also, thanks to the rest of you who posted; and, Mike, I enjoyed your "read."
Do yourself a favor and...

We shoot BR on the second Saturday of the month up at Riverbend Gun Club. PM sent.


Lookup Ray and >>>go to the match(es) in GA<<<... This will help you out tremendously in getting started RIGHT..
Along with a solid experienced mentor. Priceless..

NOTHING wrong with a well built used rifle... It's a buyers market!

Lotta good suggestions on this thread.
As Don said, get ya a copy of Mike Ratigans book. It's current an primarily geared to Group shooting..But... Solid for both score and group 100/200 IBS/NBRSA Benchrest competition.

Good luck,
I recommend getting a second job. This is going to get expensive fast.
Go to a range and ask

I have never seen an interested person who has come along to a range that has not been offered a rifle to have a shot!

Go along to a range and ask questions. You will find benchrest shooters are some of the best people on the planet.

I will also almost guarantee you will also find an experienced shooter who will be willing to mentor you in your quest.

Good luck, this is a super fun sport.

PS I agree about the Viper, I would not shoot anything else.

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia
Benchrest quality barrels run from around $260-$320 and having it chambered and fitted will cost from $150 up. You can find a used gun that will still shoot but you need to know the person or have him show you that it will. Steve
What part of Georgia? If you are near Atlanta, River Bend holds a score match each month. At our range in Birmingham we hold a group match (one agg only) the third Saturday of each month with both factory and benchrest classes. Match starts at 9 am and we are usually done by 11:30.

There will be an NBRSA registered group shoot (two days) at Rachel's Glen in Fort Deposit AL October 17 & 18, and another at River Bend north of Atlanta November 14 & 15.