Newbee's and naysayers look here



Check out the quote I lifted from jGEE's thread "Thanks Wallace Putnum".

"Mr Putnam i want to thank you for the weights! I have some Eley i got from Mr Joe, Mr Pappas sent me the front rest.. Mr Fred J and Mr Kent have been guilty of helping me also! Sometimes i feel like a homeless guy on the corner, lol...
If you want to check on a set of these weights you can PM Mr Wallace right here @ BC -thanks everyone for the help!! joe "

I'm always hearing how unfreindly this site is and hostile to new shooters. What I see is new guys coming here for advice then argueing that what has worked for years can't possibly be right, (no scientific test to back it up). Or they want to completly change the way the game is played. Then they wonder why they get a less than enthusiastic reception.

Often advice is short and blunt, that the Savage or 1022 is not adequate for benchrest regardless of cost. Or don't shoot without flags, it's a waste of good ammo. They see this as dismissive, not true, just a short, quick, accurate answer. Beginners with real questions get real answers. Those that want to debate get debate, sometimes harsh debate.

My experience from Maine to Florida shows rimfire benchresters to be some of the best people you will ever encounter. This doesn't always come thru in a computor generated thread. Go to match in person and see for yourself, you won't be sorry and shouldn't be suprised by the help you'll recieve.

Ken Henderson

I am sure that someone missed somthing out there and I am going to find it,shoot a record, and when I do, we are all going to call it (nickthe-dodad) untill then I will keep chalanging the status quo till someone slips up and spills the beans on what is lacking in this sport then Its SUPER NEWBE TO THE RESCUE:D
i know why I fire out short blunt answers, it's because of the long expenseive, time wasting projects i've experienced.....:eek:
a little anger at myself just pops out to someone else without a usefull explanation....
heck i can reasearch for months.. then e-mail nine old head BRC members for advice and still fudge up..

we've all been NEWBIES at one time and should remember that !!!

newbie ll
An Opinion

I have the unfortunate (only kidding) luck to know both of the two previous posters. As I am one of the newbie’s that they are talking about. I have found that there is a lot of good, and more that useful information on this site. One conclusion I have drawn, not only from this site but from others as well, is that the “American” way of doing things is not the same as the “European” way. We have this basic need to change everything and the other side seems to be more content with a stock rifle such as an Anschutz, with maybe a tuner added. In my opinion it is this attitude that limits the growth of the sport in the USA, because so many posters say that with a stock rifle you will not be able to compete. Yes I agree that you may not win, but you can compete. Far too many people have forgotten that this is supposed to be fun, and that winning is not everything. So my advice is to encourage anyone to shoot what they got, and as time goes on, and they decide that this sport is truly in their blood, they will get the equipment that they need based on the helpful advice of the other shooters that they come in contact with

Ed, Nick,

This thread is not directed at any one individual. I was just impressed that Joe was thanking publicly, the some of help he has recieved here. You don't usually see the follow ups and pm's that are offered. The help is out there for the asking. A lot of new shooters have been intimidated by some of the responses they see here. They shouldn't be, just a crusty old bunch of guys that have been there, done that. In spite of the efforts to recruit new young members, this is an old guy's game. The old guys got to remember when they didn't have the experience they have now and tolerate what they may see as a dumb question.

Nobody minds the dumb question. It's the dumb arguement with the honest answer to the dumb question that turns people off... 8>)
Nobody minds the dumb question. It's the dumb arguement with the honest answer to the dumb question that turns people off... 8>)

Just remember that you sometime need to keep a open mind. The "dumb" arguement, may not seem like a dumb arugement to the person asking, but the way that some come across to futher their quest for knowledge. I myself am a technology type person, who likes the scientific answer behind things. Trouble is that in this sport there is not always a scientific answer and logic does not always pervail. The advice of the more experienced is what should matter.


You guys need to get to a shoot fast before you start reloading your 22 rimfire shells and its too late, I have seen it before its bad real bad :eek: