Newbee: How do I choose a caliber for long distance BR.



I have 2 - 30.06s, a Vanguard Deluxe and a Custom w/Husqvarna action; and will start-off with these for now. But - how does one decide on what caliber to shoot BR? Tks, MD
go to the 1000 yd/600 yd forum and ask again....
while 30's are used in long range, they are seldom 30'06.

mike in co
What do you consider "long-distance" BR? If there are any matches near you, go visit & talk. If not . . . where you going to shoot it? IIRC, there are no 1,000 yard matches in Oregon or Washington. Maybe some 600s. The '06 with very good 180s would work for that, though a long way from ideal.
If you go shoot in a 4 or 5 matches with the rifles you now own at the end of that time you will know what caliber strikes your fancy.
the 6mm DAsher , 284, 280 ackley, the 7mm saum or 7mm WSM. The DAsher , 284 or 280 ack. could be used on your action with a barrel change German Salazar shoots the '06 at a thousand, but that was with open sights I's a link to Rattlesnake mtn. schedule over here on the dry side of the state. they have about a dozen 1000 yd matches per year and lot's of 300,600 and 800 yardages. Eatonville is another for 600 and around the Portland area their should be another. Contact the Tacoma club and they should be able to steer you in the right direction. Alot of them short range shooters like to stretch things out. Randy
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You can check web sites Accurate come to mind. Thats where the big boys hang out and also a lot of varmit shooters.
Theres some here also. Heres a few 6 dasher 6 Br 7mm 284 30/06
Chose the one you think will serve your needs as to recoil Some are pretty comfotable to shoot like the Br and dasher with a 105 bullet.