Newbe question



Going to attend my first 600 & 1000 yard match this weekend and need to know how many rounds i need to get loaded up this week.
Thanks for the info
Dick The Shooter
Rounds needed

You will need 25 rounds plus sighters for each match. Each match is 5 targets each with 5 shots.
Hope to see you there, I will be the guy wearing a no Obama helmet.
will look lost

I am shooting at Thunder Valley this weekend. And i will be easy to spot Walking around looking lost.
Hope i can shoot later so i can watch n learn so i don't look like a total a$$ when i get to my bench.
I will be shooting my new Savage 12 benchrest duelport in 6mm br.
Dick The Shooter
How does T.V. run their they run 2 matches of LG and HG on day one and run a 600 match on day two (or visa vesa), or do they "mix and match" 600 and 1000 on each day???

I have yet to go to a 600 yard match, so I don't know the process.

Just wondering....I would LOVE to shoot for two days!!:D

Thanks, Tod
They shoot 1000 yards on saturday and 600 yards on sunday that much i know.
Dick The Shooter

TV will be shooting two matches on Saturday of Light Gun and Heavy Gun. 6 minutes for unlimited sighters then 5 record rounds for LG and 10 record rounds for HG. If your gun is sighted in anywhere near the target for that distance, you should not need but 5 to 8 rounds to get on target. Then if you win your relay in either class, tou will repeat the process in the shoot off to determine the match winner. So in LG have at least52 rounds and HG you can take 72 rounds. This will give you enough ammo if you are fortunate enough to win everything you compete in at 1000 yards.
I don't know if they are shooting one or two 600 yard matches on Sunday but in both classes, it is 5 record rounds per target and you will shoot 4 target per class. The only difference is on the 2nd thru 4th targets you only have 2 minutes for sighters, as you are already sighted in for the distance. I would go with needing about 75 rounds per 600 yard match. That is providing that you don't have to shoot over because someone fired on your target by mistake, ( it does happen, as we are not perfect ).

Good luck & have fun, it's only a game


... you may want to go a day early, and get sighted in at both distances with a few extra rounds, so that you will have an easier time on match day. There will be a few people there to help you I am sure. And if you have a problem ask for assisstance. The only dumb questions are the ones that do not get asked. No one else in this game had all of the answers when they started either.

And most of all PAY ATTENTION during the saftey meeting before the match. It may save someone's life! Do not have a bolt in the gun when you arrive at the range. And only insert it when the range master tells you to.

Have fun,


Glad to here your going to Thuner Valley this week-end. This will be my first 1000yd shoot also. Hope to see you up there............Gary
Thanks for all the info Guys
Please look me up and say hi. Its all ways good to meet new people
Dick The Shooter