New world record at Williamsport


dk hunt 14

New world records at Williamsport

Congratulations Frank Weber on new Heavy gun 6 match group world record. Also to Matt Dienes and Tilden Kuhns on their first !00s. Matt shot two of them today. Also to that Joe guy who beat me today. Also to Louis Wagner for Breaking the !0 Match Heavy gun score agg. and 10 match heavy group agg. Matt
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Nice shoot'n Frank, that's pretty sweet at 5.0 for a 6m. Louis, them's some smok'n scores there.

Then, Matt and Tilden, well, Tilden, nice shootin! Matt? Did you guys decide use up some of the old F-class targets? :D

Match 10, score shootoff... sure waited till the last minute eh!

All jokin aside, that's pretty good shooting finishing up with a 2nd and 2 SO wins.

Great shooting everybody.
Thanks Phil, I had planned to shoot them 100's at the end of the year and go out with a bang!LOL:)
Outstanding shooting guys, its an honor to shoot beside all of you!!
Vinny you missed some good shooting and a lot of harassment, I laughed so hard, though I was going to loose it when Eric came out with my target and said it was only a 99. Story of my life! But when I got home and looked at the standings, I didn't do so bad 5.8 for the six match agg. and fifth for score. I'm happy with that seeing it was against that many shooters. And Matts52 outstanding shooting you sure did save the best for last. Hay dk hunt 14 thank you for the hand shake, its an honor to have been able to beat you. Oh and I did win 8 out of my ten relays, that was first place.

Joe Salt
jeez, every time i get home from elk camp it seems some records got busted. way to go guys, the numbers are getting pretty damn impressive. when i saw matts aggs last year i figured they would stand a wont be long and we will be going to group aggs to break record score agg ties! congrats to louis, frank, and leo, great shooting all!

Thanks Phil, I had planned to shoot them 100's at the end of the year and go out with a bang!LOL:)

Wait a minute Matt...I think there was some "incentive" to shoot NOT ONE, BUT TWO 100's!!!! Sean might have a problem with it though!
Although there was some whining going on before that relay and shoot-off about only needing 7 points for the HOF...That aint hoo...

That is definately the way to shut me up! go and shoot two 100's in a row!

Congrats to all the shooters for a "glad it's over" season!!!!!
