new whitehorse 1000 yard range



this new range is going to have a friendly match to get their feet wet because they're going to try to go IBS 1000 yard next year and they will be
some rifle barrel certificates for the winners of light and heavy somewhat. i have gps coordinates for this range. this match is going to be sunday august 3rd of 2008 at which it will start at approximately 9am and the coordinates are north 39 degrees 07.184 minutes, west 080 degrees 13.054 minutes that will take you on to the property then just follow the signs up to the range.
you can contact me through e-mail if so desire or leave a phone number and
give you physical directions. thanks
whitehorse 1000yard range in wv

sorry i failed to say this range is about 25 minutes from interstate 79 near buckhanon wv off of route 20 north out of buckhannon sorry for the mistake thanks again
Match Format

What match format will you be using? I would assume IBS, but would like to know. Also, how many matches? Shooting a double match and agging for the winners?

Many thanks
whitehorse 1000yard range in wv

the august 3rd friendly match is mainly to get the clubs feet wet to see how to do ibs matches because they're going ibs next year and this match will be an aggregate match they will be a light gun winner a heavy gun winner and a 2 gun winner in which there will be rifle barrel certificates for stainless barrels,
caliber choice and choice of contours and the 2nd place winners will receive some monetary prize up to the match director. the directions to the match is as follows: going south on interstate 79 exit 115 turn south on route 20 go approximately 15 miles you'll come to barbour county line when you see sign go a mile and three/quarters and look for whitehorse shooting center sign on right at crouse road turn right just follow signs. coming from south going north take exit 99 turn east on route 33 towards buckhannon go approximately 12 miles to buckhannon turn left on route 20 north go approximately 10 -11 miles and look for whitehorse center sign on left at crouse road turn left and follow signs. thanks stan
Sounds like a good time

Have every intent on making it down there Stan. Couple of last questions..going to do shootoffs or just agging two targets for each rifle? With the Ohio 1K match the day before I may have to make the brass fly Sat night to have enough ammo :D Lunch stand there or pack a cooler?

in years past, Dick Whiting allowed tent camping near the 600 yd line for the palma/fclass matches. will this practise continue???
its a 450 mile 8 hour trip for me. more than i can handle in one day.
To attract more shooters, i think you should seriously consider back to back matches on sunday and maybe some organized practise on saturday
John Anderson Sr
whitehorse 1000yard range in wv

yes rob bring lunch no shoot offs agg match only get there early they will have a safety meeting early as 8 am and try to start about 9 am hope to see you there.
thanks stan
8am! Good Lord I didnt know there was such a time for a shootin match! :D Tim and I are planning on the trip so we'll leave outta here little before 5am. Looks like should be pretty quick Clarksburg at least. We'll see ya there.

Great match

I'd like to thank all the guys at the Whitehorse Range for the great job they did running their first 1000 yard match,I believe this is going to be a nice range to shoot at next year and they have PITS.:):)I will be back to shoot there again.
Matt Dienes
nice to shoot at a range where you don't have to dodge flying rocks
well West Va redneck lets hear a match report how many shooters, how were the scores how was the wind WHEN IS THE NEXT MATCH???
We had a great time in W.Va. last weekend at the Whitehorse Range. Clay and I look forward to shooting there in the future. The match went really well. The place is really pretty and a great place to hold 1000 yd. matches.

Bob and Clay