New USARB Indoor LV record

Ron Silveira, Very well done.

Excellent preparation on the selection of pellets, Barrel, Cleaning of the barrel, and Shooting. A lot of hard work and a job well done for the top indoor shooter in the Nation and more than just this one time.
Now, with all the indoor shooting around the country and the excellent scores, maybe we should have an Indoor USARB National Championship with Indoor National Champions for LV, HV, Open, and Springer.
Grants Pass would make a great place to have a USARB National Indoor Championship match. Mesa would also be an excellent place to have a National indoor Match. Maybe there are other places
that could hold a National Championship Indoors. We have never shot a match indoors, however, it sounds like a lot of fun. Both my wife and I are all for it.
Again, Congratulations Ron on a job very well done. We tip our hats to you. Doug and Vipha