New Tool


Ray Brooks
I made this for lapping the locking lug abutments in the receiver.I finished the tool this morning and lapped my 40X rec and put it back together. I was well pleased with the results.

In making the pics for this post I also discovered that can be used to verify how far out of true a receiver is. This afternoon when I went to make these pics I used a 700 rec to show how the tool worked. One problem. This rec is so crooked that the tool won't fit, see pic. And this rec has a measurably bigger bore for the bolt body than my 40x and even with this extra slop the head of the tool won't go beyond the rec face !!! :eek:


I like that!!

How about drilling a hole for a 60 deg. bit anchored with a set screw to clean up the threads or is the action too hard?

Kind of like a boring head.

I like that idea and am going to make one and try cleaning up the threads along with dressing up the lugs with some diamond paste.

I might also make a prescision washer to go under the lug truing portion of the tool to true up the action/barrel joint.

Aloha , Les ( Rookie Machinist )
Ummm, I don't think the precision will be there to do anything more than lapping the locking surfaces. Also this action is fitted with a Savage bolt head which means that I don't necessarily need the locking surfaces to be perfect in all respects. I just wanted to make them super smooth to hopefully make it easier to open the bolt on a fired case.