New to the forum and benchrest



I just joined this forum and I want to start shooting rimfire at 50 yards.
In particular, I want to compete in the Huntsman Senior Games in southern Utah.

I attended a local benchrest club shoot.
Most of the shooters were using a 24x scope.
Reading this forum, I notice a lot of people use a 36x scope.
For example the Weaver T36.

Would you suggest a 24x or 36x scope for 22lr 50 yards?

I'm also thinking about buying a CZ 455 American rifle.
Is that a good starter rifle?

Reddirt: Welcome, and welcome to the world of rim fire bench rest.

I'll answer your scope question first. Many of us use what works for our eyes. The Weaver T36 is popular and the new Weaver 46 power is coming on. The Leupold Comp series come in 35-40-45 power. The best optics are with the 40 but I'd say there are more 45's on the line than the other two. The March 60 power is seen frequently as are the NF scopes that top out at 42 or 55 power depending on the model. There are others, but you don't want me to write a book. If light is good use as much power as you got. If light is not so good where you shoot then optics clarity is more important than power. My smallest rim fire bench scope is a T-24, my biggest is 55, a NF 15-55 and I normally leave it at 50.

Before you even think about "what rifle to shoot" you need to get hold of a copy of the rules you will be shooting under. Perhaps the match you mentioned has written rules, perhaps not. You need to know the rules so you don't show up only to be told your rifle won't qualify.

Sanctioned matches such as ARA, PSL and IR50 have very specific rules regarding what rifles you can use. Some of them, re IR50, are quite restrictive. Best for you to read those rules so you have a better understanding. Links to the rules are on the home page of this forum.

We are here to help. The more specific your question(s) the more meaningful will be the answers you receive. Again, welcome aboard. bob
Welcome - Have Fun

Welcome to rimfire benchrest. This is a wonderful sport. The most important requirement is to make sure that you have fun!

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Before you even think about "what rifle to shoot" you need to get hold of a copy of the rules you will be shooting under. Perhaps the match you mentioned has written rules, perhaps not. You need to know the rules so you don't show up only to be told your rifle won't qualify.

Sanctioned matches such as ARA, PSL and IR50 have very specific rules regarding what rifles you can use. Some of them, re IR50, are quite restrictive. Best for you to read those rules so you have a better understanding. Links to the rules are on the home page of this forum.

We are here to help. The more specific your question(s) the more meaningful will be the answers you receive. Again, welcome aboard. bob

Welcome BRC,

Great advice, Bob has lot of experience and knows the rules. Some local BR matches limit the amount of scope, rifle, rest and ammo, to present a level playing field. Also look and see what others are using for rifles, if they are using Remington 40X and Anschutz 54s your most likely going to be out gunned using a CZ455. CZs are accurate, but are not in the same league with true target rifles. It would be like showing up at a major ARA event, with something like a 52D Winchester. But I have heard of people doing that.

I just joined this forum and I want to start shooting rimfire at 50 yards.
In particular, I want to compete in the Huntsman Senior Games in southern Utah.

I attended a local benchrest club shoot.
Most of the shooters were using a 24x scope.
Reading this forum, I notice a lot of people use a 36x scope.
For example the Weaver T36.

Would you suggest a 24x or 36x scope for 22lr 50 yards?

I'm also thinking about buying a CZ 455 American rifle.
Is that a good starter rifle?



I would also like to welcome you to the rimfire benchrest hobby. You wrote that you attended a local benchrest club and that you want to shoot Huntsman Senior Games. What rifles and rests do most of the competitors use? To truly have fun in a match you need to show up with similar gear to the other competitors. Using superior equipment or lower grade equipment will give you a clear advantage or in the other instance you will be out gunned. So, if you know what most of the guys are using and that is the level of competition you are interested in then buy similar equipment. If you try to outgun the locals they will quickly make rules to prevent you from being able to shoot with them.

I started in Rimfire Benchrest with a CZ 452 Varmit with a Weaver T-36. I still own it but it no longer satisfies my craving for ultimate accuracy and I now compete at National Level ARA, PSL and IR 50/50 Matches.

I will conclude with the same recommendation I give to everyone that express interest in Rimfire Benchrest. Attend matches, observe and talk with the competitors. Most competitors will be happy to show you their gear and provide advice about their experiences. At the National Level Matches there is usually a lot of very good used equipment for sale at excellent prices. Take your time and buy the best equipment you can afford or you will end up replacing it in a short period of time. Rimfire benchrest is all about accuracy and it is very addicting. Enjoy the journey and again welcome.

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I just joined this forum and I want to start shooting rimfire at 50 yards.
In particular, I want to compete in the Huntsman Senior Games in southern Utah.

I attended a local benchrest club shoot.
Most of the shooters were using a 24x scope.
Reading this forum, I notice a lot of people use a 36x scope.
For example the Weaver T36.

Would you suggest a 24x or 36x scope for 22lr 50 yards?

I'm also thinking about buying a CZ 455 American rifle.
Is that a good starter rifle?


Also Google or Yahoo search USBR and view their website....

36X is good but a 24X will work fine also...

The CZ's are good starter rifles but if you want to win look at the Anschutz Sporters, Cooper Sporters, Kimber Sporters...

Thanks for the welcome and all the good advice!
