New to Texas/Austin Area



I've been shooting Benchrest in Northern California for the past 2 years, but have recently relocated from the Bay Area to Austin, Texas. I plan to shoot in Denton at the Hotternhell match on August 15-16. BUT, I need to do a little tuning and shooting before then. Where is the best place in the Austin area to shoot? I see the Austin Rifle Club is nearby and they have a 100 yd and 200 yd range. Do you have to be a member or accompanied by a member to shoot there? I assume they will they let you set out windflags, correct? It looks like they have Hunter BR matches there, so I assume the benches are solid. Is there anything I should know before I head to the range (yeah, I know - the California guys will tell me that there's a lot I need to learn)? I'm busy getting settled in this weekend, but I hope to shoot somewhere on Sunday, August 9th. Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide!

Ryan Harrison
New Braunfels

Glad you finally made it to Texas. Howard Dietz Range in New Braunfels, has what you need. You can buy a year membership and shot almost anytime you want, unless they are closed for a club event. Call Howard at 830-885-4662 and get the best times of operation.
Thanks Fred. Glad to be here. New Braunfels is about an hour away for me - that's not that far at all and I'll certainly make it down for matches, but I was hoping to find a place a bit closer for Sunday morning range sessions. Any ideas in the Austin area?
Texans Beware

Watch out for this baby-faced kid he will smooth talk you and then beat you like a rented mule. And from what I understand he has a new rifle! Texas beware!!!!

MAC from Kalifornia:)
Ryan ...

Where is the best place in the Austin area to shoot? I see the Austin Rifle Club is nearby and they have a 100 yd and 200 yd range. Do you have to be a member or accompanied by a member to shoot there? I assume they will they let you set out windflags, correct? It looks like they have Hunter BR matches there, so I assume the benches are solid. Is there anything I should know before I head to the range (yeah, I know - the California guys will tell me that there's a lot I need to learn)? I'm busy getting settled in this weekend, but I hope to shoot somewhere on Sunday, August 9th. Ryan Harrison

The best "Benchrest" range in Austin is located at the Austin Rifle Club.

I'm a member of the Austin Rifle Club and also a member of the Central Texas Benchrest Shooters that shoot at Howard Dietz's range in New Braunfels, TX, 6 months out of the year (March to August). Our last match of the season is Sunday August 9th. The match starts at 9 AM. To give you an idea, I live in northwest Austin and my 76 mile trip, doorstep to doorstep, takes about an hour and twenty minutes. I recommend a reconnoiter drive the first time you venture down there.

To shoot at the Austin Rifle Club (which is located northeast of Austin between Manor and Elgin, TX) you need to be a member ($100 per year) or accompanied by a member. See for additional info.

On Hunter BR match day (always the "LAST" Sunday of each month ... 12 months out of the year with a rare exception) you can drive into the range unescorted. The gate, which is accessed with a membership card, is opened by the match director Virg Howarth somewhere around 11:30 A.M. and held open until the match is over. The 100 yards only match starts at 1:00 and is usually over by 3:30. The next match is August 30th.

Wind flags are always permitted regardless of day. Benches are concrete and the tops weigh around 400 lbs. We used to have a 200 yards match in the morning that started at 9:00 AM but is no long being held. A new director for that match is being recruited. Your welcomed to our matches. Bring about 40 to 50 rounds with you. We shoot in several different classes. No muzzle brakes! :)
Watch out for this baby-faced kid he will smooth talk you and then beat you like a rented mule. And from what I understand he has a new rifle! Texas beware!!!!

MAC from Kalifornia:)

Please! I'm harmless. Its you and your brother that we ALL have to watch out for!
To add to Art's answer....

The best "Benchrest" range in Austin is located at the Austin Rifle Club.

To shoot at the Austin Rifle Club (which is located northeast of Austin between Manor and Elgin, TX) you need to be a member ($100 per year) or accompanied by a member. See for additional info.

On Hunter BR match day (always the "LAST" Sunday of each month ... 12 months out of the year with a rare exception) you can drive into the range unescorted. The gate, which is accessed with a membership card, is opened by the match director Virg Howarth somewhere around 11:30 A.M. and held open until the match is over. The 100 yards only match starts at 1:00 and is usually over by 3:30. The next match is August 30th.

Wind flags are always permitted regardless of day. Benches are concrete and the tops weigh around 400 lbs. Bring about 40 to 50 rounds with you. We shoot in several different classes. No muzzle brakes! :)

If you want to shoot your group rifle, you can shoot in the Varmint for Score class. For further details about the club or my match, call me at 512 447 8968. The August match may be canceled because of my attending the Gulf regional and Texas State matches in Tomball, Tx. Don't know for sure yet.

The best "Benchrest" range in Austin is located at the Austin Rifle Club.

I'm a member of the Austin Rifle Club and also a member of the Central Texas Benchrest Shooters that shoot at Howard Dietz's range in New Braunfels, TX, 6 months out of the year (March to August). Our last match of the season is Sunday August 9th. The match starts at 9 AM. To give you an idea, I live in northwest Austin and my 76 mile trip, doorstep to doorstep, takes about an hour and twenty minutes. I recommend a reconnoiter drive the first time you venture down there.

To shoot at the Austin Rifle Club (which is located northeast of Austin between Manor and Elgin, TX) you need to be a member ($100 per year) or accompanied by a member. See for additional info.

On Hunter BR match day (always the "LAST" Sunday of each month ... 12 months out of the year with a rare exception) you can drive into the range unescorted. The gate, which is accessed with a membership card, is opened by the match director Virg Howarth somewhere around 11:30 A.M. and held open until the match is over. The 100 yards only match starts at 1:00 and is usually over by 3:30. The next match is August 30th.

Wind flags are always permitted regardless of day. Benches are concrete and the tops weigh around 400 lbs. We used to have a 200 yards match in the morning that started at 9:00 AM but is no long being held. A new director for that match is being recruited. Your welcomed to our matches. Bring about 40 to 50 rounds with you. We shoot in several different classes. No muzzle brakes! :)


Thanks for the information! Would you mind emailing me at I am interested in joining the Austin Rifle Club and will definitely come up to New Braunfels to shoot on the 9th.

If you want to shoot your group rifle, you can shoot in the Varmint for Score class. For further details about the club or my match, call me at 512 447 8968. The August match may be canceled because of my attending the Gulf regional and Texas State matches in Tomball, Tx. Don't know for sure yet.


Thanks Virg. It looks like a might be buying a 30BR barrel and bullets, brass, powder, etc. in the near future!

Hope to meet you at a match soon!
Sounds good although....

Thanks Virg. It looks like a might be buying a 30BR barrel and bullets, brass, powder, etc. in the near future!

Hope to meet you at a match soon!

A 30BR barrel will help you for score, however, you would still be put in the "Varmint for Score" class since the rest of your group rifle will not meet "Hunter specs." Also, the 30BR is not legal in NBRSA Hunter class. But, there are usually several Varmint for Score shooters at my matches, so you'll still have fun...and some good match condition practice. Remember, you don't have to be a member of the Austin Rifle Club (ARC) to shoot in any ARC match. See the calendar on the ARC web site for times and dates of the various matches.

I'll seek you out at the Aug 9th New Braunfels match.
