New stuff on reading the wind . . .


Joe Haller

Have you read the article in the February issue of Precision Shooting on wind doping? The author is Ronald Elbe, and it starts on page 33. I have read a lot of stories on "The Wind" in Precision Shooting since I first subscribed to it in 1956. This one in my opinion, is the BEST of them all. Gene Beggs wrote one about four years ago that was real good, but for the guy who does not have a Wind Probe, this one is better.

Those of you who have read the article by Mr. Elbe . . . I would like to know your opinion.

MAN! For me, this story got me almost as excited as Bill Calfee gets when he is talking about one of his yummy-scrumptious sandwitches.

Joe Haller :)
Your April Shoot


There are four of us regular shooters from The Harrison Club that are talking about your April shoot and our desire to come up and participate. Could you give us the date or better yet send me a flyer.

Mike Conway
7230 East Townline Lake Road
Harrison, Michigan 48625
Hi Mike . . .

Ya gona bring that "Wright" man with you? He has been UP here and shot in least one of our matches every year for the past four years.

Our first match of the 2009 season will be on Sunday April 26. The snow should be gone by then.

In July we start BENCHREST rimfire metallic silhouette matches. We will be using the standard NRA rimfire silhouette animals at 60 to 200 yards. The silhouette matches will be run on the Saturday before our matches on the USBR target. We are not sanctioned by USBR as our rifle classes are a little different than those of United States BenchRest. Those 200 yard Metallic Silhouette matches are not sanctioned by the NRA yet, either.

Our big match of the season will the the 3rd Annual Mavis Haller Memorial Match, on Sunday August 9. My wife and shooting partner of 45 years died 4 years ago, and our club is putting on this match in her memory.

Here is a copy of the 25-50 yard flier. We don't have the Metallic Silhouette flier drawn up yet.

Joe, the silhouette BR match sounds interesting. Thanks for adding me to your club's e-mail newsletter list. I have enjoyed reading about your club and the neat matches yall run.

Sometimes I wish I had picked your agenda instead of going with the USBR format for our club. We are kinda too deep into it now to change. :rolleyes:

A friend usually passes along Precision Shooting to me. I will be sure to check out that article.
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doping wind

Joe, you got a site i can read about this?????????
wind dopeing

Can you see this info on line//////////////---boer
Back to Joe

I read it, and I think it's well written and accurate. I made some copies and at some point will try and put together the notebook he recommends. I don't know about using the actual targets as marking the black parts would make for difficult reading. Thank you for all of your support. My best regards.
"I think the important thing is the realization that the wind is bad for everyone and not getting emotionally involved. Also he says to not pay any attention to what anyone else is doing. FOCUS on what YOU are doing."

Above copied from the site mentioned and that is GOOD advice for all times, not just 'worrying' about the wind. I need to remember that.
Does anyone know of a national chain store that might carry Precision Shooting. I would like to buy a copy of the Feb issues for this article but I can't find it at Borders - which is about the best magazine seller around here. Would Walmart or Target sell this?

It is the note taking details that I am most interested in.


Presicion Shooting is only sold by subscription.

Go here for more information.

Call them here:
(860) 645-8776

Ask for a copy of the February issue. They will probably send you a copy free: Because they know that most shooters who are into ACCURACY will subscribe to the magazine once they see a copy.

I first subscribed to it in 1956. At that time I was just a hunter/shooter. That magazine turned me into an accuracy nut. I'll never be the same. The reading material in Precision Shooting is "light years" ahead of all other gun magazines: For shooters who are interested in rifle accuracy.

Joe :)
Jay's Gun Shop has it at the Gaylord, MI store.

As to a free one?? I posted a website for a 'sample' of corncob for tumbler. Several days later we all recieved an email--no such luck.