New rifle not consistently cocking



I recently bought a McMillian action with a Jewell BR trigger that fails to cock every now and then. Before I probe into it I would like some advice on what to look for. Btw, the adjustable trigger isn't set extremely light and the trigger travel doesn't seem excessively short. Thanks in advance guys!
My guess would be the trigger needs a little more sear engagement.If you have the trigger instructions you may be able to do it yourself. If you don't feel comfortable doing it find a gunsmith who can do trigger jobs.
My guess would be the trigger needs a little more sear engagement.If you have the trigger instructions you may be able to do it yourself. If you don't feel comfortable doing it find a gunsmith who can do trigger jobs.

Dave, I don't have the trigger instructions. There are two adjustment screws on the trigger, which is which and what direction do I turn them for more trigger pull and travel?
I recently bought a McMillian action with a Jewell BR trigger that fails to cock every now and then. Before I probe into it I would like some advice on what to look for. Btw, the adjustable trigger isn't set extremely light and the trigger travel doesn't seem excessively short. Thanks in advance guys!

Is it failing to cock when you pull it back or only when you're rotating it up and down in place?
It either needs more sear engagement or is dirty or gummed up. Clean it good first and if it still does it add a touch of engagement. There's a very high probability one of those will fix it.
Is it failing to cock when you pull it back or only when you're rotating it up and down in place?

Lifting and lowering the bolt is where I have seen a no-cock situation. I'm sure the info provided by the helpful people on this thread will go a long ways toward solving it when I have another go at it.
On some guns you have to pull the bolt back a tad then close it for it to cock. Just lifting and lowering the handle doesnt let them cock everytime
More over-travel ?? EDIT

My bad----was thinking Rem trigger

Might consider giving it a bit more over-travel ?

A. Weldy
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Like Dusty said....if a trigger/action is timed so that it has some cock on close, the cocking piece does not come back far enough to pick up the trigger unless the bolt is pulled back a bit, after the handle is at the top of its travel. Try that, and if it cocks every time, then you know what your problem is, and it is not the trigger. If you are bothered by the cock on close, the cocking piece can be modified, but that needs to be done by someone with the equipment and machinery to do it precisely, so that the correct geometry is maintained, and the correct amount of metal is removed without taking too much off. BTW cock on close is pretty common, and is generally not a functional problem, since actual operation of the action, loading and unloading, requires cycling the bolt back and forth, which solves the problem as far as picking up the trigger is concerned.
I recently bought a McMillian action with a Jewell BR trigger that fails to cock every now and then. Before I probe into it I would like some advice on what to look for. Btw, the adjustable trigger isn't set extremely light and the trigger travel doesn't seem excessively short. Thanks in advance guys!

Is the trigger mounted in a machined aluminum hanger or pinned directly into the receiver like a Rem700?