New old guy from NE Ohio


I didn't see an introduction thread so I'm posting here. I live a few miles from Kelbly's and joined there to have a place to shoot my handguns. After a while I decided to take advantage of the longer distance lanes, so I bought a Savage .22LR and mounted a scope. I'm have a lot of fun and will probably be asking some dumb questions. Thanks in advance for your help. By the way, I'm 72.
Canton McKinley Rifle and Pistol is not to bad for a pistol shooter. They had 249 people last weekend. From all over the country. Indoors 50 foot. Outdoors 25/50 yard lines.
What they are not real friendly about is the 50 yard rimfire crowd that likes to shoot off nice benches.
Well I just returned from the range with some bad news. I originally joined the range for handgun. I recently bought the Savage so I could expand my fun factor. I had read the range rules but evidently forgot that they don't allow rimfire on anything over 50 yds. So today i was asked to leave the 100 yd range. What a bummer. It has to do with the backstop being at about 150 yds and the 200 yd range is beyond that. Some .22's may drop and ricochet off the property.
Welcome from a Newbie here.

Cherry Ridge has similar requirements regarding Rim Fire as they have experienced, .22s being Lobbed over the tragets and into the pits behind the targets.

Not sure how far you would be from Williamsport, PA, but they have a 200 yard Rim Fire Set up.
