New North Texas Shoot in the works


New member
With all the troubles that have surfaced after the LSSO several of the shooters want a change. Well here goes. Working with Stick from S&S and several others we have gotten in touch with TJ at Tiger Valley. He is very receptive with holding a DIRT and BENCH shoot there in early September. Already we have several people big people in the shooting industry who want to sponsor prizes and possible underwrite some of the cost but we need the following. Its a commentment from the shoters to shot. If you want to shot at the shot please send an email to Tiger Valley stateing your willingness to shoot or pm me. We need a minimum of 50 shooters the more the better. We really want more. Format will be 500 yds a score type scoring and 15 shoots per target. All of this is still in the forming stage and help will be needed. Please don't hesitate to contact either me or Tiger Valley but give me time to get the wheels in motion. Thanks..