New Member



Hello. This is my first post here. I have owned a Kelbly Planda since about 1998. I was living out in Midland, Texas and went to the range most weekends to shoot my handloads in my factory action varmint and hunting rifles. Well, I can tell you that it did not take long for the local benchresters to sucker me with the invitation, "Have you ever shot one of these benchrest rifles?" I ended up with a RBLP Panda, Tucker conversion Leupold 36X, Bald Eagle rest and all of the trimmings.

Shortly thereafter I moved from Midland to Anchorage, Alaska. My Panda has been a safe queen since I moved to Alaska and has only made it to the range a few times in these past years. There are not very many benchresters here. At least the only one knew was Homer Strickland, who moved south some years ago, and I understand has left us.

I met my my wife here. She was an NRA pistol instructor and we have mostly shot handguns and trap/skeet. But, last year I picked up a Winchester 52B and mounted a long old Redfield 3200 24X scope and started shooting some groups with it. My wife decided she wanted to shoot it and she really liked shooting groups where, "all of the holes touch." In fact, she basically confiscated the 52B. I knew it was lost once she began referring to it as "Her rifle." So, this winter I acquired a model 52D. We had record cold and record snowfall in Anchorage this year and only this week have morning temperatures gotten out of the 20s. So, soon we will find out if the 52D, with its superior trigger outshoots the 52B. If it does, I will likely reinherit the 52B. :)

I have been telling my wife that since she enjoys shooting rimfire benchrest, she will really enjoy shooting smaller groups at 100 yards using a centerfire benchrest rifle. I pulled some of my best targets out of the binder and showed her. She seemed interested. So, this winter I acquired a second Panda for her along with a Leupold BR36D. Since my wife had been using a Caldwell Fire Control for her rimfire shooting, I decided to get her one of Butch Lambert's Shadetree joystick rests... ...What a work of beauty it is. Thank you, Butch.

So, back to the beginning, during the short time that I lived in Midland, I met Ceicel, and Charles, and the late Flash. I had Ceicel build me a .264 Winchester Mag with a Shilen Select Match barrel on a Model 70 action for shooting deer standing way on the back side of the pasture! These guys are frequently mentioned here. The first benchrest shooters that befriended me were a Canadian oilfield engineer named Monte, and a Southwest Airlines pilot, whose name escapes me. I am not sure if either of them are active in the game or as members here.

In any case, Benchrest Central is required daily reading for me. Thanks to all of you who contribute your knowledge and thoughts. I will be asking the brain trust for information as I reintroduce myself to the sport (or obsession, as it may be...)


Gordon (aka FrozenShooter)

No matter how hard you try, thinking & hoping just isn't going to make it happen.

A financial arrangement, now that could be another matter....... :D
