New Member



I just wanted to introduce my self as a new member of this great forum. I don't know a lot about BR shooting sports, but recently I built myself a BR rifle, and I think I have BR fever. I hope to learn from all of you that really know your game when it comes to special hand loads, and how to play the game. Again thank you all for such a great place to learn, and I look forward being a part of your community.

you will see accuracy in a new light after playing with these rifles. I use laser transits for construction work, they're considered to be accurate, accurate enough to set the footings for huge industrial buildings, hotels and such. A decent $5000.00 transit is accurate to 1/10th inch at 100ft. The best lasers I know of will cut this in half, resolving down to a tenth inch at 200ft....... a good rifle betters this by 50%


welcome to a great and challenging sport. lots of good people here with solid info. Stick around and enjoy yourself! Lee