New Match Director Rogur River Air Rifles



Because of my impending move to Mexico, Match results posting and club contact will be handled by Steve Ware at STEVE@SWOREGON.COM. Linda and I have already sold our benchrest equipment so we won't be listed in results. This is a great organization and the camaraderie among shooters is a major draw. We cannot take air, rimfire or centerfire into Mexico or we would be looking to start a new club in a new country. I'll continue to monitor the site for that first 250/25X! Adios amigos & amigas.
Mike Hopkins

I sure hope you and Linda have a good life from this point on. I never had the pleasure of meeting either of you, but know how much the both of you have done for our sport, so I thank you for that my friends.

Do keep in touch and let us know if you ever decide to make the trip north for a visit.

Dave Shattuck
Good Luck

That’s right Mike, you run off to the sunshine, dolphins and warm seas. Don’t worry about the rest of us in the frozen wastelands of the north (looked for a green envy smiley to put here, couldn’t find one)

Good luck to you and Linda, like Dave I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting either of you, but I can sense a good guy from three continents away and you are one of them.

Enjoy your new life, I wish you all the best.

Sure Linda shoots a 750 and you call it quits! Lol! You guys sure will be missed! Thanks for all you have done for the Airgun sport. I will think of you every time I load a pellet in the Benchmark barrel you won.
Would love to have met you and Linda and shooting with everyone in the Northwest is still on my bucket list.
Enjoy your new adventure!
Paul Bendix
Thanks a lot guys

Many thank you's for your comments, guys. Know that we will be open for visitors soon after setting up in our own house at Lake Chapala. Except for the flight to Guadalajara, you can have an inexpensive vacation. The house we're looking at has a guest house (casita) and of course would be available to you without cost. Oh yeah, it has a pool and spa also so if you wear one (optional, of course), a swimsuit might be a consideration. Food is an adventure and cheap. I will update the forum with our new address when we get there and have one. We'll love to have you visit.
Mike and Linda
Know that we will be open for visitors soon after setting up in our own house at Lake Chapala. Except for the flight to Guadalajara, you can have an inexpensive vacation.

Busy this year Mike, but consider myself, wife, three daughters and two grandchildren a done deal for next year :cool:

Please Mike, don't give him that option. He may have a whole heard of rabbits, being from the U.K. and all.


Have no fear Mike, intercontinental air travel is getting beyond me now, three hours in an airplane is about my limit. Although I did look Lake Chapala up on Google Earth, that does look a great place. I reckon the first thing you need is a boat and a fishing rod ;)

Dave, the only rabbit I’ve ever been interested in was Jessica
