New manufacture Norma 6ppc brass?

I recieved a new flyer from midway the other day and noticed they were offering norma 6ppc brass for sale. Would this be the new stuff?
No offense taken. It has been my limited experience that well meaning and polite as the girls and boys at midway are they sometimes lack knowledge of their product. That is why I decided to try this forum first.

I got a $50 gift certificate from Midway. Didn't need much but ordered 2 boxes of 168 grain 30 cal bullets. They were $28-$29 each. But by the time they put shipping, handling and picking their nose and the NRA mark up it cost me 71 bucks. Crap, I can get them at the local overcharge shop for that. I think except for those unusual items I need I will not be using Midway USA and Larry Potterfield can stick it as far as I am concerned. To top it of they shipped them in the medium sized flat rate box at $13.00 plus. Now this is a pretty big box if you are only shipping 200 bullets. I would say at least 80% of the space was those air bags. If I remember the last time I ordered custom bullets the cost of shipping 1000 was about the same or maybe a couple dollars more. This one got in my craw a bit and I will remember it.
