Jerry Luck
The new Lapua super ammo is GREAT, so is the cost a little more than $.50 cents a round, normal cost to shoot a 25 bull card about $18.00. This stuff is going to be the same from now on, if your gun likes it, great, if not the next lot is going to be the same, so you get to tune your gun to the ammo, new barrell, new tgigger, new beding, and so on, but the good ammo will be all the same, no more digging for a great lot number, and it only cost just a little bit more. This is not for the cheap guys, so step up, get a second on your house and buy a case or 5. Hey red tennis shoes 5 cases is only $13,000 to $14,000, give me a call I will hold a second on your house for only 8.5%. Now I don't know for sure but I was told that with a case of the good stuff you get a tube of KY jelly,a new bolt lub. This stuff shots so good in my gun OLD PITTIFUL that I am going to get 5 case deal you save .000062573% on five cases, good shooting, and have a large day. Sweet o'le Loveable Jerr.