New Kidd 22



Just thought some of you might like to know. I know you guys dont know me, But I have posted a few time here and some have been about a new 22 ( 10/22 ) that I was having built by Tony Kidd from Kidd Innovative Design. Well I received it about a week ago and yesterday I took it to the range. First let me say that I am glad I let Tony freelance This build. This is basicly a 10/22 but not realy......I own 3 10/22's and 1 KIDD 22. His trigger alone sets his build far apart from even a custom 10/22. But theres more, This build uses his supergrade receiver. This is a threaded receiver with an intagrial picitinny/weaver mount ( which makes the whole receiver stiffer ) and an added rear tang for bedding and also the front tang is much bigger then a 10/22's. This receiver gives him 2 larger spots to piller bed with, making for a very stronge mount. The way a semi-auto should be. The Bolt is scaloped ( not jewled ) which means it will last longer and hold lube better, and it looks awsome. The barrel is 16.5" ss with custom finish. The trigger.....well all I can say is check it out
As a Bullseye pistol shooter triger is parimont......this trigher on a BR rifle I'm sure would not amount to much. But I dare you to find a better one for a 10/22.
It is a 2 stage trigger that will go down to 3oz.....( 3oz first stage / 3oz secound stage ). Tony will set it for you, but they do not look hard to adjust yourself.
I did go all out with this build buy having Tony piller bed the receiver.....So I put an older Weaver T-16 on it. I put 50 rounds through the barrel and then at 60m off a 1 peice bench rest with Wolf Target Match I put 10 rounds on the target that can be covered with a nickel....there is no dout in my mind if I took my time with even better ammo it will shoot sub .5
I only shot that one 10 shot group, I know that if I just shot 5 round groups they would be under .5 and this is at 60m not 50yds.

I am very happy, Tony's work is unreal.......I love shooting 10/22 style rifles and now I can hit what im aming at with one...........

Joe Lipari