new guy



Well guys I have gotten the bug to make as many little bullets to go into 1 hole as possible. I have been shooting and collecting for about 40 years. Last year I bought a Springfield MII US and a Pre-War Suhl at an auction. I did not know how much fun a .22 bolt gun could be. It is also costly. Since the first two I have attained a Steven 416 US, Remington 541X US, Mossberg 44 US, Winchester 52B, H&R M12 US. And I am needing another fix(40X I hope)So I may be asking a few questions as I attempt to get better at this. Due to my affliction I am selling several Ruger 10/22s over on RFC or Ruger Forum as they don't do it for me anymore. Thanks for the time.
take it from a new shooter-being me- go to a shoot and look/use/observe/ask questions before you buy something it will save you buying and buying and then buying what you really needed in the first place, i am/was in the same place as you at rf central,tried to buy a 10/22 that was benchrest accurate and i came close but overall was a lot of wasted money and effort.

i hopeto wish you well. i have a suhl that was amazing until i changed the stock on it. world records were easy if i hadn't changed the stock on it.

i've been kicking myself in the butt because i simply don't know if the new stock i have will put it back to what i know it would do.

if you find what works for you(believe me finding what works for you matters not me or anybody else doesn't ) stay with it. pay no mind to what you see and hear on here. i took a world class rifle and turned it ito junk because other figured it would be better with a different stock and ect on it.

i'm returning to a don stith stock and hope it does as well as it did with the factory stock. if not i have only my self to blame.

i know what i have has not helped you, but i do hope to shoot against you next year in a buckcreek match. i'd even be willing to meet you in danville and drive us to the match.
C'mon now, you gotta keep at least one of those 10/22's. A good Volquartsen can sling 10 into a tree rats a$$ faster than anything.;)
Not that you need ten, you just want to make sure its DEAD.
I don't kill anything, just sounds funny to me.
Good luck with your addiction, you must not be married.