new guy, helpful tips / is there a "best" target?



i am new here, so please, no flames. over the last year or so, i have started getting into trying my hand at precision shooting, and i have noticed a few things. one, some targets are easier to see, and aim beter with. i am in my fifties, and fuzzy eyes are part of this (unfortunatly), i can correct most of this by "tweaking" my scopes. all of my scopes are hunting scopes with the maximum power of 12 (on 2 of them, the rest are 3-9's). i am shooting at 100 yards, but even at this short distance, i can tell that a 12 power scope limits how accuratly a person can aim. is any one type of target better for aiming than another? like rectangular image vs. round. or color vs. black/white? all of the targets i have, i have found on line at one place or another. i have noticed that black on a target can make it hard to see holes, especially with 22 caliber rifles on cloudy days. working on my own, there are a lot of things to learn. some faster than others. record keeping is one of my major stumbling areas. i keep learnig new things there all the time. i thought i had a stable shooting platform, but the other day, it was quite windy, and that reared its ugly head, so i am going to have to work on that. i am by no means good enough to compete, so i am not going there yet. i have hunted all of my life, but shooting has gotten more and more appealing to me in the last couple of years. any help would be appreciated.
1) that is a nice looking target. i will have to see if i can find some of those. the red is almost an orange. i have used some dark red in the past, and they can be almost as bad as black in some lighting. thanks! 2) i do not wear glasses normally. i do have a set, but typicly they are most helpfull at night while driving. during the day, i can manage pretty well without them. if and when i get to the point where i must have glasses during the day, of course i will readjust the scopes so i can see clearly with them. my eye dr. says that will probably be several years down the road, i hope so! i have never even liked wearing safety glasses once in a while. but it only took one time to realize that without them, it can get real ugly, real fast. so when i need to, i will wear them. the same goes with shooting glasses. rifle shooting, not unless it is 22 semi autos, pistol shooting, every time!
Buy yourself a higher powered scope. I would recomend a Weaver T36 but if that is a bit too much $$ then one of the cheaper 8>32 will do. I have a Tasco 8>32 that has probably been on 10 different rifles and I shot my first CF and RF BR matches with that scope. The crosshair is real fat but you can make do.
I am looking for a target that is self centering. It looks for my bullet and moves over to let the bullet hit in the dot or center of group. Anyone find one let me know. Probably the only way I will win a match.
