New England Regional



The Canastota Conservation Club is pleased to annouce that on August 2&3 we will be hosting the IR50/50 New England Regional. The format will be 3-gun at 50 yds. on Sat. and 50 mtrs. on Sunday. We want to invite all our friends to come shoot with us in beautiful Central New York. So mark your calendars.
Congratulations on landing the first New England Regional, Butch. It's about time we had a Regional closer than 400-500 miles from most of the REAL Northeast ranges!
Thanks to you, too, Wilbur for working out a solution that should keep everyone happy!
New England Regionals? No offence boys but when has New York joined the New England States? I thought that whole thing was decided when the Green Mountain Boys whupped you Yorkers!

Go for it Ken! :D

Perhaps a better moniker

The actual "name" for the new region will likely not be "New England" as I find that New Englanders seem very specific about what is and what is NOT New England.
The actual "name" for the new region will likely not be "New England" as I find that New Englanders seem very specific about what is and what is NOT New England.

Yup Wilbur, I guess we are "very specifc" about what compromises the New England states. Just for the hell of it I looked "New England" up in my trusty ol' dictionary, I quote ..."The NE U.S. comprising Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island."

So there! :)

How about the New York Regionals. That would include Yonkers and Queens as well as the upstate.:)
New England Regionals? No offence boys but when has New York joined the New England States? I thought that whole thing was decided when the Green Mountain Boys whupped you Yorkers!

Go for it Ken! :D

Not enough we got 1/2 these guys fighting the civil, the war of northern agression now we got the freakin Green Mountain Boys? Besides Al, when they move the Green Mountains out of Vermont?:eek:
Hi Al,

Hope to see you this summer. I'll put in a good word for you with the powers that be to get you a temporary travel visa. May just be able to spring you from New England for a few days, doubt I can get a residence permit for you though.:(

There was a story in the local paper a few years ago. It said that 200 yr old papers had been found that proved that Washington County, NY (where Salem is located) was actually part of Vermont. Most of us were happy to find we were actually New Englanders. If I left here on foot, I'd be in VT in less than 15 minutes. The local chapter of the Green Mtn. Boys marches in our 4th of July Parade every year (we're 25 miles south of the historic battle Al mentioned.)

Unfortunately, that paper was dated April 1st. Salem is still in NY. :(

I'd be proud to be part of a "New England" Region, but my proposal would to be call us the North East Region, and have the other Region choose a new name.
Hi Al,

Hope to see you this summer. I'll put in a good word for you with the powers that be to get you a temporary travel visa. May just be able to spring you from New England for a few days, doubt I can get a residence permit for you though.:(


Hi Ken,

I knew this thread would be one you couldn’t resist. Thanks for the offer of a temporary visa, but I will stay an illegal, I’ll get more benefits that way. Penny and I are looking forward to seeing you and Cherie this coming season. We are planning on doing the Tom Miller and perhaps the IR 50/50 Nationals, depending on where they are held. Maybe the ghosts of Ethan Allen and some of his boys will show up, there were some good shots in that crew. Speaking of the Nationals, does anyone know where they will be held yet?

Todd, your proposal seems reasonable.

For you folks who like a bit of history here is a link to a page about Ethan and his exploits;

Keep warm, Al
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Morning Al,
Just a heads up, there`s talk that when the fence is put up on the border
of Mexico that the are going to continue along the border between New York and Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, West across NY to the top west corner of New Jersey to keep NYC on your side also????:eek::D
Only talk right now but be sure to hook up with Ken to get that travel visa early!!!!!! ;):D
On a serious note Nationals are in Kettlefoot this year.
Hi Pete,

Its late afternoon and cocktail time, I sit here sipping on a Margarita. Lucky I had a few sips before I read your post. You mean to say we in New England are going to have NYC on OUR side of the fence? This is news is hard to take...another sip is called for...even better a big gulp. Man, those folks from the big city are the guys who hold the gun sideways right? Yes, you are right, time to get that travel visa. All those folks from NYC will be heading upstate. You ready?

Thanks for the info on Kettlefoot, that’s a bit far for this ol’ boy to drive.

Keep Smiling, Al ;) :)