New Eley


Bob Collins

These Lots just came in and they have not finsihed unpacking the container.
Bob Collins
Tenex Ultimate Lots in Boxes
1322 at 1059 -500
1327 at 1062 - 600
5276 at 1058 - 400
Match EPS in Boxes
1044 at 1056 - 480
1047 at 1052 - 660
4049 at 1050 - 920
Match USA (Blue box) in Boxes
04157 1059 300
04159 1055 900 Bob
04160 1060 940
04162 1057 900 Bob
04163 1056 610 Bob
04165 1060 950
04197 1053 748 Bob
04208 1061 504
04209 1058 400
04210 1059 468

NEW - Team EPS
03179 1062 1210 Bob
03253 1057 110
03277 1045 490 Bob
04148 1061 200 Bob
05028 1065 640
05040 1055 1110 Bob

Does your name next to some lot, mean that only you or your customers, can get that lot? Seems, some dealers are left out. Looks like 4 out of six lots of Team EPS, are reserved for you and you only.
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Fred, I had asked the same question last year. Answer I got was nothing.
Good luck. Lew
Here is the way it works.

Does your name next to some lot, mean that only you or your customers, can get that lot? Seems, some dealers are left out. Looks like 4 out of six lots of Team EPS, are reserved for you and you only.

Fred, Lew,

You are correct.....but keep in mind this list came from Bob. Most of the dealers have a handfull of lot number that Zanders holds back for that particluar dealers customers.

I am going to leave someone out here but.

Dan Killough has a few that no one else can sell or at least he is trying to get there.

Gene Davis has a handfull of lot numbers that only he can sell. I had some ammo that I bought last shipment that I could only buy from Gene.

I think Bob at this point has more just because of his long track record with Eley/Zanders.

Dan is online enough he could probably explain it, if he thought he could without stepping on anyones toes. He may not be able to.

That at least is what I know.

I think Bob has first dibs as he usually gets the slow stuff.
Why can't Bob answer for him self.He posted the list and he's making the sales.....sooo....why can't he answer?:confused:
This ain't rocket science fellows. What do you think Bob's name next to a lot means??? And that was'nt a question.
Tim, I think we all know that. But the underlying issue is that why is stuff reserved before the list comes out. Being in Texas and formerly of Calf. I was never getting good ammo. I was seeing winners from the south and other places get the slow stuff, my gun at the time liked the slow stuff. Also the other point is when called for test lots it took days to get them and always the lots that shot great and when asked for more "there is none left" But othes had it it just p****ed me off. Thats why we are at odds with him and the lack of communication from his end. What I don't like is others defending a person and the culprit escapes...
Well sir, I'm just as far away from Georgia as you, subject to the same considerations, gone back and got pretty good ammo a month after it's been out, and know plenty of other guys doing the same.
Maybe you should try the direct approach and call the man rather than this "behind the back forum BS". He posted the stuff on the site for everybody to see and order, perhaps spending less time bitching and more time solving your issues, but hey that don't quite fit the conspiricy theory.
Tim, I have done that. I have it chasing ammo and just shoot what I want and when I want. You stated it your self I get pretty good ammo. that doesn't win it. Ask a lot of other shooters and see what kind of answer they give. More or less like mine...
If I can get a hold of Bob when a new shipment comes in it usually takes 5 to 7 days to get it to the west coast, that's for test lots. If I don't get to it for a day or so for testing usually by the time I find whats needed and place my order again that would be another 7 to 9 days. So lets say the whole process takes between 2 and 3 weeks and that's if everything goes right.

I have missed out on some great lots, but also have been able to obtain some great lots, especially the limit of small quantities coming in with certain lots going to different dealers. Even though Bob has lots reserved for him, it still goes quickly, and have had to buy cases without testing because it was going so quick. You order test lots and the next day those lots are completely gone. Don't like it anymore then the other person, but learned to accept what I have no control over. It just is what it is.

There are always going to be those that will test and get their selection in even before some of us begin our testing and decide what works best. I've managed to find what's needed so far, it usually takes longer than would like, but can live with it, and it always works out fine in the end.

Lew, understand where you are coming from, hear it a lot.

Take Care,
Tim, I think we all know that. But the underlying issue is that why is stuff reserved before the list comes out. Being in Texas and formerly of Calf. I was never getting good ammo. I was seeing winners from the south and other places get the slow stuff, my gun at the time liked the slow stuff. Also the other point is when called for test lots it took days to get them and always the lots that shot great and when asked for more "there is none left" But othes had it it just p****ed me off. Thats why we are at odds with him and the lack of communication from his end. What I don't like is others defending a person and the culprit escapes...

Lew, It's hard to get what you test no matter where you are located, I have the same problem here in N.C. There's not a huge amount ammo comes in a shipment considering how maney people are trying to get their hands on it. I have shot in matchs with Bob and get a few boxs and find somthing good and go to get it only to find it gone..........good luck hunting...............Gary