New Eley Test Facility in Winters, TX




This was posted by Eric Uptagraf: I was just at the opening in Texas and their range is exactly like the ones in England and Germany. Very nice.

Just to clarify some things:
There is a $45 fee to test on the range. Just to put that in perspective,
You will probably shoot a minimum of a brick of Tenex (at $185 per brick) during your testing. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think there is a fee to test in England, but you are expected to purchase a larger amount of ammunition at the conclusion of the test (a case?). $45 is cheaper than flying to England and dealing with licensing issues.

You can test pistols here. Can't do that in England with their laws. So far just Pardini and Morini, but will be working on more models as the need arises.

If your control lot shoots better than the Tenex test lots, you are not obligated to buy any.

Why Winters, TX? Because Dan and Dawn Killough of Killough Shooting Sports are a major distributor of Eley and are well Known in the rimfire benchrest community. They provided the land and have the expertise to staff the range.

This test range is just for testing Tenex. It is an extra level of service you get for buying the top grade of Eley. The Tenex limitation does not exactly apply to pistol testing as there are different grades of Eley ammunition specifically designed for pistol shooting. Call Dan or Dawn for more info.

I you are interested in testing or have other questions, call Dan or Dawn at (325) 754-5771.